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There's something wrong with my wife, something seriously wrong in her pretty little head.

A captive shouldn't be as happy as she is. A captive shouldn't be running around my back lawn with my four fucking dogs hot on her heels. I watch in disbelief from my office window as she throws the ball for the dogs to chase after. Even from up her, I see her beaming smile and the way it brightens her features. My heart beats unevenly at the sight but the feelings only builds my temper.

My wife is a radiant sunshine that needs to be rained on.

I've given her too much freedom; I've been too kind to her evident by her blunt disrespect in the pool a couple of days ago. I haven't seen her since - I'm sure she's avoiding me again.

From watching her on the security monitor, Winter's new favourite hiding spot is the dog's enclosure. She spends most of her time there playing, sketching and lost in her own thoughts.

When she stares blankly ahead, that's the only time she really looks like a captive. The look she wears on her face, sadness and helplessness; sometimes I think this might be the moment she'd break. She doesn't and it surprises me all the time. Her mental state must be a steel fucking wall.

My hands reach for my left ear lobe finding the spot where she teasingly latched onto me in the pool. The tiny and insignificant action has plagued my soul since. The feel of her teeth on my skin lingers along with the feel of her wet body pressing against mine. I heard her laughter as pull her through the water.

A smile pulls up the corner of my lips. I was happy in that pool. I let go of the anguish caused by her family and for moment, she wasn't a prisoner to me. She was just as I remember her in the snow in Aspen. Young and innocent.

But my loyalty to my family is an unmovable and impenetrable wall. Not even my little sunshine of a wife can break through it.

I turn my attention back to Winter who's playing a game of tug of war with Toro whilst the rest of the dogs fight over a tennis ball. Moments later, Nina appears on the lawn, probably calling her in for her evening meal. Nina keeps her distance because she's well aware of what those dogs are capable of.

Winter follows Nina back into the house with the dogs right behind her.

I check the time on my watch, there's a meeting at my club, éxtasis, tonight. Before I moved my work home, the club was my base of option where I conduct all sorts of work. From tortures to drug arrangements and arms negotiations. If I'm not present at the club, Arthur takes my place.

When I strut downstairs, there's a loud commotion coming from my kitchen. I poke my head inside and scowl at the scene unfolding in front of me.

"Winter!" I shout. My voice booms against the walls and all heads turns to me.

Nina looks frighten in one corner of the room. The dogs look confused and Winter looks annoyed as the dogs circle her near the fridge.

"They aren't allowed in the kitchen." I tell her. I turn to my dogs and give the command to leave. "Outside."

As the dogs race outside, a pout settles on Winter's lips as she watches them go.

"We were having fun." She mutters to herself and sits down at the dining table.

"They're killing machines, Winter." I warn her. "I can give them the command to tear out your throat and they'll do it."

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