Chapter 37 - (T)

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My least favorite part of my job duties has always been enforcing these dues and collecting. Today, I hate them even more now that Brandon and I have a babysitter— Jessica. She means well, and I respect her for what she's capable of, but it is insulting that Max thinks we need an extra line of defense doing such basic tasks.

Sure, there is a bigger threat than normal but if anything Jessica should have tagged along with Max and Zoe for the sake of Zoe's protection. Not that she needs protection, she has made that extremely clear, but it wouldn't hurt to have an additional shield for her. After all, she is who this K.H. is after.

"Let me." Jessica demands as she slips out of the car. I have rushed to scope the areas each time we have arrived at the different businesses today, but I suppose I can let her take this one on. I don't mean to be an asshole when I scoff, but I'm sure it comes out that way. My frustrations aren't meant for her, they are meant for Max. Brandon just smiles and nods as usual, and smacks my shoulder as a subtle scolding.

"Sure thing Jessica. Thanks!" Brandon says as he sits back in his seat and waits for her to exit. The door shuts softly behind her and I study her as she glances at each rooftop surrounding us as well as the alleyways in between each building. She carries her pistol like a seasoned professional when she walks the perimeter of the vehicle before peeking her head into the cafe we are about to shake for dues.

"You can try being a little nicer, she's just doing what she's paid to do." Brandon whispers.

"I know. I just don't enjoy being babysat. We don't need it."

Rolling his eyes with a dramatic sigh he adds, "None of us need to be babysat. Max did this just as a safety net. It does not hurt us to have extra support with such a high threat."

I choose to ignore him and fix my eyes back on Jessica.

"Really," Brandon says in a softer tone. "You are more than capable of protecting us. I know that, Max knows that, we all know that. And we appreciate you." He reaches towards me and pats me on the shoulder. "We just can't risk losing you, especially to these seedy sex trafficking assholes. You're too important to us, too important to Zoe."

His final words strike me in the chest. We don't always have these heart to hearts but Brandon is the best when it comes to helping you realize that you're valued.

"Just give Jessica a chance. It's her job, and we can trust her. She's not here as an insult or to replace you. She's here as assistance. If you're busy protecting all of us, who is going to protect you?" Brandon's hand robs circles on my shoulder, effectively soothing the building anger that was holding me back all day.

"You're right." I whisper.

"What's that?" He shouts. "Did the Dean Karma just admit to being wrong?"

"Shut it."

"No, no." He laughs taking out his phone, "Can you say it one more time? The guys won't ever believe me."

I roll my eyes and begin to unbuckle my seat while Jessica makes her way back to us. She stops outside my door and gives me a subtle nod while she continues to keep her head on a swivel and her eyes roaming. "Let's get this over with so we can go get our lunch. I'm starving."

Brandon lets out a sound of defeat but obliges.

Entering the café there is a quiet hum of pop music coming from the corner speakers and the seating area is empty except for one woman sitting at a table with her apron on. She jumps to her feet and rushes over back behind the counter, "Hey loves, what can I get started for you?" She asks.

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