27. ∆ Teach me

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The gym was busy for a Tuesday with almost every area filled with bodies. Demi stepped through towards her private room. She had a few clients today and a few group sessions. At no point had Blake dared to speak to her. She watched him walk past her room several times through the glass yet he hadn't even glanced her way.

Even if what he had said and done had hurt her, she knew him at his core and it had been accidental. She had never taken his friendship for granted for she knew it wasn't easy to be friends with her. He was a blessing. And that was the reason she had brought a bottle of his favorite rum and a huge bar of chocolate to his office.

"I feel like I should be the one bringing you this," he shook his head as he brought her roughly into an embrace. "I am so sorry," he mumbled against her head.

"I know," she sank into his arms, "I'm also sorry, I know I worry you."

"You do," he chuckled, gently placing his hands on either shoulder, "but I'm trying to understand and do better," he offered her a small smile.

She nodded, accepting him for who he was. It didn't take long for them both to fall into their usual conversations - well mainly Demi prying into Blake's love life.

Calum wasn't always the most observant person. It didn't come naturally for him to overanalyze everything like Michael and Luke. He was more laid back, similar to Ash in that respect. Michael was always six steps ahead, with every possibility considered. And despite the recklessness of Luke's actions sometimes, he too had the next steps thought through. He however, preferred to live simply in the moment. This was jeopardized by Demi. She dared him to think of what could be, of the future he could dream to have with her.

The days went by much slower than they did before now that he had someone to get up for. Most of his time was taken up with waiting for her to return. He would complete time in the home gym, shower and make food before her arrival.

He felt the shift in atmosphere as soon as he stepped into the kitchen. Ash was adjacent to Michael and Luke at the breakfast bar and their conversation haltered as soon as he made it past the threshold. Ashton's eyes lingered on him, torment clear in them.

"Calum come take a seat," Ashton gestured to the empty stool beside him. Calum obliged. Ash glanced at Luke and then back to him. Calum's eyes following the action.

"Is someone gonna tell me what's going on?" he glanced between them.

Ash began, explaining what Luke and Michael had found on their excursion to the warehouse a month prior and its connection to the casino and how a picture of Demi was linked to this. Calum's eyes narrowed on Luke as Ash detailed Luke's rogue mission, an attempt to remove Demi from the minds of those at the casino. Ash continued to explain the predicament Luke had landed himself in. At least there was an explanation for his bruised face. Despite all this new information, Calum couldn't help the question, is that why Luke and Demi were getting so close.

"Thursday at 1:30am is the match, and then it's over, piece of cake" Luke added, false arrogance a bandaid for the terror that sat underneath his calm exterior.

"You just couldn't help yourself. Always think you're playing God, fixing everyone's problems," Michael vented his frustration which was heavily laced with worry for Luke. He shook his head, a chuckle escaping his lips, a poor attempt to mask the situation with dark humor- the only remedy for this friend's stupidity.

"God?" Luke smirked. "Clifford I ain't just playing him, I have embodied him," he continued to smirk, showing the width of his arms as they stretched out to the sides of him. Like a God risen.

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