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Carmen's POV

Chris is acting like he has something important to tell me, if he didn't he definitely wouldn't have gotten everyone to leave.

Oh my god what if he tells me he doesn't want to be friends anymore or just completely cut me out of his life? What if he asked Kylie to be his girlfriend and she told him to stop talking to me. I'm so scared. 

Since I was in a near death situation I decided I was going to forgive him, I wouldn't have wanted to die with bad terms between us. I hope he feels the same way.

I think my overthinking is just getting the best of me. I overthink too much just like how I always over-explan. Which I am doing right now...

"Carmen" Chris says looking at me a little upset and worried.

"Christopher" I smile trying to lighten the mood if in case it is the Kylie thing.

"I need to tell you something important and I really don't want it to change things between us..." he says rubbing his neck.



"I think I know what your going to say" I say looking down pretty upset.

"You do?" He said with shock plastered across his face. 

"Yeah, you decided to make things with Kylie official, and you want to cut me out of your life, its fine I get i-"

"What? Fuck no." He says shaking his head.

I raise my eyebrows in shock.

"Well what were you going to tell me then?"

"Do you still hate me right now?" He asked. So that was the thing he needed to ask me. He made that kid of a big deal just for that.

"Oooohhhh so that's what you wanted to ask me, I have decided to forgive you because if I had you know, well died I wouldn't want things to end on a-"

"I love you." Chris blurts.

I am so shocked I don't say a thing, I definitely didn't consider the fact that he loves me.

"I-uh well" I stutter trying to find a response.

"You don't have to say it back, well at least right now. Just because I realized my feelings doesn't mean you should have to realize your feelings right now. I just thought you should know because well I do love you." Chris rambled it seems like he's been thinking about what to say when he tells me for a while.

"Okay, thank you. I'm sorry but i'm not sure if I love you back well at least not right now. Once I realize my feelings I will let you know immediately."

"Thank you I really care about you and I don't know what I would've done if you died you just mean so muc-"

I kissed Chris.

I was short but it was like electricity shot through my whole body, I don't know if that happens everytime you kiss someone but it definitely felt special. 

"I only did that to get you to stop talking" I joked and smirked.

"Oh yeah obviously" Chris said rolling his eyes knowing I was joking.

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