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DM request- devonstephans

Devon Yo

Chris do ik you?

Devon Nah

Chris then why are you dming me rn, like not tryna be a dick

Devon Because there's a lot you need to know about your girlfriend...

Chris tf? I think ik her just fine

Devon Alr mb bro js tryna help 

Chris wait wdym there's a lot I don't know

Devon First off all she lied about not having a bf,  I was her bf when she was in 8th grade and I was in 7th 

Chris oh well that's not too bad

Devon There's more

Chris go ahead

Devon Carmen is not herself, she's a completely different person she changed her identity

Chris wtf

you gotta be lying rn

Devon Deadass

Chris alr well thanks man

Devon Np

Chris POV

"Hey" Carmen says coming back in from getting snacks.

"Hi" I turned my phone off and placed a fake smile on my face.

"What do you wanna do today" She plopped down.

I can't stop thinking about what that Devon guy said.

fuck it.

"Did you lie" I look at her.

"About" she seems confused.

"Am I actually your first boyfriend" 

"Yeah why?" I don't know if I should believe her right now.

"Like no middle school relationships or anything" I try to dig deeper.

"Oh middle school relationships, yeah I did date but I don't really count them unless we lasted until high school" She explains.

"Well did you ate anyone named Devon" I raise my eyebrow.

She sighs.

"Yeah I did, it was super toxic." I feel so bad for asking.

"You don't need to get into it if you don't want too"

"No it's okay, I was in 8th and he was in 7th and he had this girl bestfriend named Olivia and she hated me because she thought I was a pick me for saying I was scared that he was going to leave me because they were so close and she was really pretty and everyone said they were just in love with each other but Olivia wasn't dating until high school. But she was extremely pushy and he got me to do a bunch of things I didn't want to do and he broke up because Olivia told him she liked him and he cheated." She explains.

"Oh i'm sorry" I feel terrible.

"Yeah and I seemed like the bad guy for 'keeping them apart' but I never really did" she does air quotes.

"Oh well he said you were using some fake identity and stu-"

"How did you talk to him" she asks.

"He DM'ed me"

"Lemme see"

  I hand her my phone

"Why did you continue the conversation, do you not trust me or something" She hands me my phone.

"Well you can't lie if someone said something like that to you then you would respond also"

"So, I get plenty of death threats because i'm with you" she crosses her arms.

"You do?"

She nods.

"Do you trust me" she stands up.


"Then why did you just leave him on opened?"

"I- uhm" I just put my head down.

"That's what I thought" She grabs her keys and walks to the door.


I feel terrible.

Carmen's Corner 


Lil double update for my children

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