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Carmen's POV

"What the fuck" Chris gasps.

We were watching the first season of Gilmore Girls but this isn't my first time.

"You see why i'm team Tristan" I point my entire hand at the TV. 

"Nope, still team Dean" He shakes his head.

"Idiot" I roll my eyes.

I put grab a Hershey's bar and give Chris the other one.

"You sure?" he raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I've got plenty of food, thank you for getting all this" I am extremely thankful for him.

"anything for you" He hugs me and pulls the blanket.

"Will you be team Tristan for me" He look up at him.

"Nope" He looks back at the TV.

I form my mouth in a straight line.

"Shhhh" Chris shushes me

 I steal all the blanket.

"Sorry sorry" 

"You're not getting this back now" he groans.

"I'm leaving " he starts to get up.

"NO, here is your half"

"That's what I thought" he sits back down.

"Whatever" I cross my arms and turn away from him.

"Are you okay?" he looks over.

"I'm fine" You already know when a girl says they're fine they're not.

"Are you sure?" he asks again.

Chris POV

"Are you sure?" She seems upset so i'm genuinely concerned.

"oh my god I said i'm fine can you not"

She gets up and storms out of the house.


I don't know what's wrong but I'm gonna figure it out. I follow her outside when she gets in her car and slams the door and starts to drive away. I start to run after her but I'm not fast enough. I run inside and turn off her show and go to Matt's room to ask him and Rins why shes so upset.

"Hey, can I come in?" I say drumming my fingers on the door frame.

"Yeah whatcha need" Matt sets his phone down.

"So I told Carmen 'whatever' and she got super mad and left and I feel really bad and I don't know what to do." I ramble.

"You idiot" Matt and Rinity says at the same time.


Serenity hands me her phone and it's on the calendar and I look for todays date. It 'Carmen🩸'

"Oh no" I run my fingers through my hair.


"Why do you have that on your calendar?" I wonder.

"So I know when to be extra nice, Carmen is scary when she's on her period."

"Matt I need to run a few errands." I say walking out.

Carmen's POV

I drive home and cry, I don't even know why I'm crying he was just being a jerk.

I run into my room and jump into my bed and cry. 

I cry hard.

after 15 minutes of me crying I hear the doorbell.

I open the door and I see Chris.

He's holding a bag with stuff in it and a small bouquet of my favorite flowers.

"I'm sorry" He bites his bottom lip a little.

"It's okay, I don't know why I got upset." I wipe my eyes.

"I do, your menstarting" He attempts.

"It's menstruating and yeah you're right" 

He goes up close and wipes my tears.

"I think you got a little bit of face on your mascara" He jokes.

"Yeah, yeah just come in" I close the door.

We lay down in my bed and he starts fiddling with my hands while i'm eating the candy he brought me.

I starts moving my fingers and he tries to put my finger in my nose.

"Nope" I move my arm away.

He keeps playing with them and he starts to rub my arm.

He notices my cuts.

I yank my arm away, I am insecure about my whole body. Everything about me I just find gross.

"It's ok i'm not gonna hurt you" 

He softly grabs my arm again and runs his fingers against my arm. 

He starts to trace his fingers along all of them softly.

He starts to kiss my cuts.

Tears prickle at my eyes I try to blink them away.

"I love you" I play with his hair.

"I love you too" he squeezes me in a tight hug.

I feel safe with him.

Carmen's Corner


Chris and Carmen have my whole heart omggg

Rins having Carmen's period on her calendar is something we all need in a friend fr


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