Colorful Tears | CHAP 1

52 6 2

(Author: Might be a long chapter! Please enjoy and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BELOVED SEONGHWA I HOPE 26 TREATS YOU WELL!)

The alarm went off, Hongjoong woke up still sleepy. he opened his eyes and turned off his alarm and groaned . Today was the day he hated most. The first day of school. It was still dark outside at 5:30 in morning He pushed himself up from his comfy cozy bed turned on his bedside lamp so he could see, he rubbed his eyes and tried to wake up.

He eventually got a grasp of reality as he always had trouble waking up, and stood up. His knees popped as he walked to opened his bedroom door, and went down the hall to the bathroom. He closed it slowly so he didn't wake up his mom, and turned on the hot water to the shower. 

The shower was surprisingly was refreshing, usually the mixture of hot water and steam hitting his body made him relaxed and sleepy. He got out. Wrapped a towel around his waist and started to comb his wet hair.

 His hair was long enough to put in a manbun and so he put it up. He got startled when he heard his mom yell downstairs "Hongjoong hurry up i made breakfast and it's most yummy when it's still hot!" This was unusual for her. Hongjoong quickly hurried out of the bathroom and into his room to change into the schools uniform. 

Hongjoong walked down downstairs was hit with the sweet and strong scent of French toast, eggs and bacon. The TV was on, His mother standing watching the news meteorologist talking about it was going to be raining and thunderstorming all day. She sighed, "That sucks.. " she mumbled. This felt like his elementary school days,

it had been so long and quite strange nowadays for his mom to be up before him. Hell, to make breakfast  before school was outrageous in her right.

All sudden a wave of nostalgic memories hit him, and he began to tear up softly and sniffed. His mother turned around to sound of sniffing behind her "Good morning! Today is the last day of your first day at high school! how exciting! I made you a plate. It's on the counter love" she said happily.

Honjoong smiled, he  quickly whipped off the one dried tear on his cheek and went to the counter to grab his plate full of yummy food he hadn't had in years. "Thank you" he said, trying his best not to cry. 

Before he knew it he was in his mother's car he started bouncing his leg as they started getting closer. he could already feel anxiety rising and he wasn't that close yet, Out of tradition to prep him up for his introduction , his mother pretended to be the school teacher awhile she was driving "Please tell us what's your name and where are you from?" she said. "My name is Kim Hongjoong. And i'm from Anyang"

 They kept repeating the 2-sentence conversation till Hongjoong felt confident. To be honest it was useless, because the words would never come out of his mouth during the real class introduction. 

Hongjonng was at the school's entrance before he knew it, he could already feel his palms sweating. "Breath Hongjoong, we got this. " He closed his eyes and  deeply breathed in and out. feeling his heart thumping. He opened his eyes and walked inside the high-school, it was huge.

 which was almost a relief because then he could be forgotten throughout the school year due to so many people in the school, He walked up to a large table where his schedule for 1st semester  was. he got in lane for the senior section. Thankfully nobody talked to him and he got his schedule without issues.

 he looked at his 1st class Room 411: English: Mr Bangchan.  He deeply sighed. he hated English. especially first thing in the morning, However he started to look for his class. 

He was out of breath realizing that it was on the 3rd floor. He quickly gathered himself tho. And stared at the entrance door to his class he took a deep breath in. "My name is Kim Hongjoong. And i'm from Anyang" he whispered to himself and opened it. It revealed a vibrant class. The classrom was colorfully decorated with paintings and rainbow english letters on the walls, the sunlight causing rainbow reflections throughout the classroom.

 The teacher was also very colorful somehow.  All the students were laughing and smiling, everyone seem to be high spirits which helped Hongjoong. All of sudden the teacher walked up to him "Hello! I'm Mr Christopher Bangchang. But please call me Mr Bangchang. Sit anywhere as i don't have assigned desk's yet and class will start in few mintutes as we are still waiting for the morning bell, so please socialize and have fun!" he brightly smiled.

 Hongjoong smiled back. He noticed a odd accent in his korean. But nonetheless, the teacher had a warm aura and that made hongjoong happy. Hongjoong found a empty desk by a window in the corner of the classroom, it was a beautiful view of the school's garden which brought him peace. he loved nature. It was so pure and free.

But soon the moments of eternal peace was vanquished from him when the morning bell rang reminding Hongjoong's greatest fear.

The room became quiet, everyone in their seats. Mr Bangchang stood in front of class "Hello class! Welcome to the English Arts! i hope everyone is feeling well-adjusted, As it is the first day, i want everyone to introduce themselves to class" Hongjoong's heart began pounding at the sound of that. "Starting with the far right row" fuck, he was in the far right row row, at least he was last one in the row he thought.

The girl in the first desk was confident in her introduction. After she was done. People clapped or verbally welcomed her. Soon, Hoonjoong was the 2nd to last to go, The boy in front of him did his introduction, everyone clapped for him too. now it was hongjoong's turn.

(Switching to 1st person for a more personal effect)

Everyone began looking at me, i hated that so much, i hated being stared at like a poor dog in a cage. It didn't help i was already insecure about my appearance. I could feel everyone analyzing me. I felt trapped. I felt my chest getting tighter. Mr bangchang snapped me out of my thoughts "Um are you alright?" i looked up at him and quickly got up realizing i was probably causing a scene and started to speak "Im- im-" damnit. I'm stuttering. I quickly looked around. I could hear tiny giggles. Im turning 19 and i still can't introduce myself?!

 i began getting upset at myself because i was embarrassed, i tried to finished my introduction"Im- Hong-Hong-" Suddenly a boy started busting out laughing "He can't even say his name! what a weirdo!" the whole class started laughing. But was quickly told to shut up by another boy. His voice carried.

 I looked up it wasn't Mr bangchang. A quite handsome boy with stern yet warm eyes. Then me and Mr bangchang made quick eye-contact before he said "It's alright if your nervous. We can come back to you, please sit down" I nodded. All of sudden i was back in 7th grade. People laughing, mocking, and pointing fingers at me, even the teacher was smiling at some of the jokes the students made making me feel like a damn freak.

 I sat back down and looked out at the window. Trying my best to not cry. But i couldn't help it. And i quietly weeped feeling ashamed, why was introducing so difficult! why couldn't my stupid brain just spilled out a small sentence. I put my head down. I was already so tired and it was just the first day. I wanted to go home.

(Back to 3rd person)

Somehow he managed to survive to lunch, He began serving himself lunch, the food options were much more broad than at his old high school, He served himself chicken sesame soup, Sticky black rice, mapo tofu and stir-fried fish cake with soy sauce and a banana along with a bottle of water.

 Students were allowed to leave during lunch, so the lunchroom was not as packed which was nice. He found a table that was completely empty, he made his way over to it. he placed his tray and backpack down.  He picked up his chopsticks as he was about the eat the black rice. 2 bodies appeared in front of him and sat down in front of him. putting down their trays and backpack's "hey" one of the voices said.

Honjoong freezed up. debating if he should just leave. He stood up to leave till a warm hand grabbed his wrist "I was talking to you"

Hongjoong gulped at the sound of the oddly familiar voice, he slowly sat back down, refusing to make eye-contact. "I'm Choi San, if your worried about us judging you, we aren't. Trust me." Hongjoong looked up at him, Those were warm eyes that told everyone shut up in his 1st period. The boy beside San spoke "And I'm Choi Jongho." his eyes were warm too. "Im-im- H-Hongjoong-" he whispered but somehow they heard him.

 San smiled, "What a unique name, Me and Jongho haven't seen you before so we wanna get know you." San said,  Hongjoong could feel his heart beginning to thump "L-like as f-friends?" he said. "Yeah why not? you seem chill. Plus you're not the only one we know that stutters.' Jongho said, Hongjoong ears pricked up to the sound of that.

 "R-really?" Hongjoong said, San cleared his throat "Yeah, do you wanna meet him?"

 Hongjoong was worried they were joking. But it was worth a shot to actually maybe get some real friends this school year, "S-sure"

Author: Don't worry the story won't stay wholesome for long, I was hope this was interesting tho. Who Do you think is him?

Chapter 2 and 3 are coming out tomorrow 4-4-2024 so stay tuned!

【The Incident | Seongjoong】जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें