August 9th | CHAP 7

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Hongjoong sighed as he walked towards the house with his mom. His mother was tispy "Ah- Hongjoong here you go" she said slurred. Hongjoong's mom ordered Fried Chicken so Hongjoong didn't worry about making dinner, Hongjoong decided to wait for dinner a bit because he wasn't hungry. He sat down in his room on his bed looking at the paper package that Yunho gave him he sighed.

For Hongjoong: Dont open till August 9

Hongjoong fought the urge but maybe it was important? Well, Hongjoong stood up and put the mysterious package in the back of the closet. He kept staring at it. His phone kept buzzing on. He sat on his bed and looked at his phone. It was Wooyoung 

"Hey Hongjoong do you wanna talk?" 
-8:03 PM
"Please don't ignore me hyung!

Hongjoong sighed he didn't wanna talk to Wooyoung, Hongjoong knew that knew this was selfish of him but he didn't care, he wasn't ready to face wooyoung, Sweet Wooyoung would ask him questions that Hongjoong didn't have answered too. Like 
"What's going on?"
"Why are you acting this way?"
"Are you alright?"
Hongjoong himself didn't know what was going on either, He felt weird too. He felt dirty, grossed out. As he never had such perverted thoughts about someone before especially a boy. Just recalling about what happened caused to Hongjoong too feel digust. Hongjoong decided  to go take a shower then. He let the hot water hit him burning his skin. He felt guilty, he felt sinful. Hongjoong never washed himself so aggressively before. Maybe this was form of self-discipline  towards himself. 

He got out of the shower. He stared at his naked body. His skin completely red and irritated from the harsh scrubbing. He stared into himself "Why am i such a freak now?" Than the images of San's attractive body flooded his mind. Hongjoong tensed.

 He began smacking himself. He still felt gross and unpure. He smacked himself till hot burning tears were running down his face. He stopped. And cried. Eventually the images of San left his mind now. He deserved it every single mark on his face he thought.

The rest of the night was just as rough. Ignoring Wooyoung, Wooyoung decided to even call him a bunch of times. Which Hongjoong ignored. Tho the yummy fried chicken he ate for dinner helped him. But he was in his bed. Staring into the utter darkness of his room. He decided to ignore San and Wooyoung till his sick feelings were gone. He knew the damaging repercussions of this. But he didn't wanna lose Wooyoung or San if they found out he was a dirty person.


Hongjong hadn't talked to anyone in 3 weeks. It felt weird to be so alone again. In 1st period he moved to whole entire different row than San. Hongjoong sat in Seonghwa's row. only 3 desks behind him. It was risky. But nothing had happened surprisingly. He could feel San stare at him sometimes. During lunch he moved to the school's garden once he found out people could eat out there in sercret.  8th period was the most difficult since all of the boys were in there. But new student named Kang Yeosang had taken the seat that Hongjoong once sat in at their table. Hongjoong couldn't help but feel jealous.

Hongjoong would hear their whispers and see their eyes vert to Hongjoong who was across the room in a empty table now. The moment the bell Hongjoong practically ran out of the room. He had been replaced now by the new beautiful boy that was Yeosang. So much for having friends. But it was the best. Hongjoong turned into something that wasn't him. Hongjoong started walking to down the creepy hall to his 9th period. He still hated the old hallway. Hongjoong almost fell when he felt a tight grip on him that pushed into the lockers causing a loud echoing thud in the hallway 

"Hongjoong what the hell is your problem?!" The voice said harshly. It was Jongho. Anxiety ran through hongjoong. Jongho was always so calm, even now he is so calm but stern. "I- I-" Hongjoong couldn't say anything. He knew that Jongho was talking about the events of hongjoong suddenly ignoring his friend-group. But it was confusing even for Hongjoong so how could possibly explain why if he barely knew why?

Jongho's grip got stronger. He was pulling on his skin instead on his clothes it felt like now. "Hongjoong. Speak" Hongjoong opened his mouth till he heard a small chuckle coming down the dark creepy hallway. "Oh look at this sight" Seonghwa it's him.. Hongjoong could feel his heart racing. Jongho turned his head to look at the silm but well built figure that was Seonghwa "Is this your new boyfriend Jongho?" Jongho gave him a sharp look "Fuck off Seonghwa" Seonghwa chuckled oncemore. "you didn't deny it. i knew you were just a bit off?" Jongho let go of Hongjoong. Hongjoong fell to the ground, As he was relaying on Jongho's grip for balence"Be quiet Seonghwa!" Jongho said strongly.

Seonghwa only smirked. And walked way. Jongho turned to look at Hongjoong who seemed scared. Jongho scoffed "Are you afraid of Seonghwa? Is he what has been bothering you? Hongjoong looked at Jongho. Before he spoke. Jongho helped him up. "You still need to tell me your problem." he said. He once grabbed Hongjoong but by the hand and they walked "W-wait my c-class!" Hongjoong said. Jongho stopped and turned to look at Hongjoong "Hongjoong this is more important than that stupid economics class" Jongho grip got tighter. It hurt. But Hongjoong dealt with that.

Jongho and Hongjoong were now in the school garden. They somehow got past the teachers and the cameras since the school garden is closed off due to students destroying the plants and ferns. Hongjoong saw a crying Wooyoung. San, Mingi,  and the new student Yeosang  comforting him. "Wooyoung my sweetheart Hongjoong is probably just going through things im sure-' San got cut off "ITS BEEN 3 WEEKS!" Wooyoung yelled crying before hiding his red face in his hands. Hongjoong felt guilt. Extreme guilt. This was all his fault. He then wished they never met him or San never spoke up in 1st period. 

San looked over and saw Hongjoong and Jongho. San stared into Hongjoong eyes. He wasn't happy at all seeing "What the hell Hongjoong!" San walked over to Hongjoong. He was face to face to Hongjoong "You think you can just ignore all of us for 3 weeks?! 3 WEEKS?" his voice got louder. Hongjoong wanted to explain but it wouldn't help. "Im-im" Hongjoong didn't have the words. "im-im sorry-" He whispered. he didn't know what else to say. San didn't look pleased "You think 'Im sorry' is going to fix this? You know the emotional toll it took on us?!" Hongjoong could feel his heart pumping fast. "I- i-" San got more upset. 

San out of anger that his beloved Wooyoung was crying. Pushed Hongjoong hard to the ground "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!"San yelled feeling more upset because he couldn't get a answer  Jongho and Mingi grabbed San "San!" Mingi said. Wooyoung saw Hongjoong get pushed hard to the ground. "S-stop!" Hongjoong head hit the ground with a loud smack. He scrapped his hands and knees trying to catch him . Hongjoong groaned at the pain. Hongjoong knew he derserved it. He hurt Wooyoung. San fueled up with anger ripped out of the Jongho and Mingi grasps and got on top of Hongjoong and started punching his face harshly. 

No matter how much it hurt Hongjoong didn't fight back. Jongho and Mingi were now yelling at San awhile trying to stop. Yeosang looked scared. He thought San was going to kill Hongjoong San didn't stop till heard Wooyoung begging for him to stop. San got off Hongjoong. Hongjoong laying there. Coughing. His nose broken and  bleeding. Completely bruised up. His face was completely purple and swollen. Jongho and Mingi got on the ground "Hongjoong! We sorry!' San didn't realized how much strength he had, till he he realized what he did to the tiny skinny Hongjoong. Guilt started eating him up.

Hongjoong felt so dizzy he hated the sight of blood. and he was covered in his own blood which made him  feel disgust. His head was pounding. He looked over to a school window. Where 2 pairs of eyes were watching them. Yunho and Seonghwa. Both quiet and observing. Hongjoong closed his eyes afterwards only hearing the panicking voices of Mingi, San and Jongho.

Hongjoong was carried to the nurses office by Mingi, Jongho followed behind Him. Yeosang stayed in the garden to comfort the now crying couple that was San and Wooyoung. The nurse looked shocked observing the wounds no matter how many times the nurse asked Hongjoong who did it once he woke up. He always said "I don't remember" The nurse couldn't reach Hongjoong mom to pick him up. But suddenly a tall boy appeared  into the nurses office "I can" Yunho said. Mingi blushed at sound of Yunho's voice in the room. Yunho took Hongjoong home. He was tired and didn't feel like talking to Yunho. His face was bandaged up. he felt like a zombie. Hongjoong looked down the at his phone 

4:15 PM
"Hey. It's Mingi. I wanna invite you to my birthday party. San is terribly sorry and wants to make it up. It's this saturday (Two days from today) You don't have to bring gifts. I just want all my friends to hang out"

Hongjoong had nothing better to do. Plus he needed to deliver Yunho's package. Yunho looked over at Hongjoong's phone and smiled "You going? Hongjoong sighed "maybe are you going?" Yunho smiled once more "Yeah with Seonghwa" "S-seonghwa? your actually friends with him?" Yunho smile vanished "He's just misunderstood" Hongjoong couldn't feel but curious on Yunho's and Seonghwa's friendship, what did Yunho know about him? 

what do you is going to happen at Mingi's party?

【The Incident | Seongjoong】On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara