The Crown | CHAP 14

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Jongho was in his dark room, it was 1am, He told Yeosang goodnight hours ago, but Jongho wasn't tired. In fact, he no desire to sleep at all. 

After Hongjoong was sent to the hospital yesterday, And Jongho had this feeling, He couldn't describe this other than utter disgust. And this disgust was directed towards Seonghwa, Jongho couldn't describe why he hated the man so much ever since he laid his eyes upon him. 

Jongho felt almost embarrassed that this whole thing was that serious to him, before it was just a competition to see who is better. But now it's something more. This is more than just track, this now about human morals and what it means to be human.

No matter who Jongho hated, he would never harm another person for his rivalry to gain more, to play the victim card, to manipulate his friends into thinking he got hurt. Hongjoong didn't choose to be hurt and humiliated like that.

Jongho no longer wanted to take Seonghwa's crown, but he wanted to conquer the kingdom and burn it to the fucking ground, How could the students say he was a leader when he in fact he was a dictator?

Jongho will never forget when Yunho came to his house last night. Jongho and Yunho never actually talked face to face, but they were aware of one another. Yunho had this aura, dare he say similars to Seonghwa but even then that comparison was harsh. 

"Jongho. Hongjoong is going to get hurt tomorrow." First ever sentence he ever said to Jongho. "This is no longer about whose getting track captain, it's about who handle more pain now" And then he left. 

Jongho sat there confused by Yunho's words, But once he saw Hongjoong's body black and blue, passed out, his own blood dried to his skin. Getting lifted into the ambulance. It changed the neurochemistry in his brain.  Seonghwa was going to kill now to prove his point to people to secure the crown but Jongho didn't give a fuck anymore. 

Jongho stayed up all night, looking into Seonghwa's friends, people he followed on instagram or facebook. Seonghwa went after one of the most innocent person ever. Jongho was lying if he didn't discover Hongjoong's past. And not by choice.

It was a late night when Wooyoung called him, Wooyoung knew Jongho would be the only ever up this late. Jongho will forget never the screams and choking words that spoke once Wooyoung told about Hongjoong's past. Wooyoung had been through shit in his life. So the fact it made Wooyoung cried that much disturbed Jongho.

So everytime he looked that sweet smile that could outshine 1000's suns that belong to Hongjoong. It killed him.

Jongho kept digging through Seonghwa's friends. Till he found Seonghwa's mother's facebook. 
Jongho jaw dropped seeing all the cancer posts. His mother looked the sweetest woman ever, his mother didn't deserve a son like Jongho. He seemed nice but he was a master manipulator. 

Jongho made the decision to speak Seonghwa's mother. To reveal the truth about her damn son. 

"Seonghwa..." Yunho said. 

"Yunho i'm not in fucking mood" He said coldly 

"No, your going to fucking listen to me. You just escalated this school drama. " Yunho said coldly back.

It was late again, and Yunho came to Seonghwa's house, clearly not thinking, he wanted to warn Yunho because he had feeling it wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"I'm aware." Seonghwa said not truly caring 

"Why did you send your little crowd of worshippers after Hongjoong? he didn't fucking deserve that. You made him into nothing, He was barely breathing when the paramedics got to him. And you said you love him? who fuck says that and does that?"

Seonghwa didn't say anything. "I wanted to prove a point." He finally said. 

Yunho got face to face. "And that's the most fucking shittiest to prove a point, by nearly killing someone that didn't deserve any of that."

Seonghwa stared into Yunho's soul. "He disrespected me."

"And you nearly killed him? how is that fair? Explain that to me Mr. Honor society"  Yunho said mockingly.

Seonghwa just now came to the thought that he no idea why he did any of that. He didn't say anything this time and that was rare.

"I'm disappointed in you Seonghwa" Then he walked away slamming the door.

Seonghwa paincked Yunho was his only emotional connection that he formed properly. "Y-Yuno c-come back!" he said about to cry. He never had cried over another human not his mom even.

When there was no response Seonghwa cried harder. "YUNHO COME BACK!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. He fell to his knees and sobbed harshly.

"Your worried about Hongjoong aren't you?" San said. Knowing how fidgety Wooyoung had been all night. Daydreaming not paying attention to the movie, He paused the movie they were watching.

Wooyoung was at San house for their movie night date, That way they could spend some together before they get their new boyfriend, but honestly, They didn't know if Hongjoong was still wanting that after what happened yesterday. 

Wooyoung was the one that dragged Hongjoong out of the school because he was worried more people would hurt Hongjoong that he was unconscious. It was the first time Wooyoung had someone else's blood on him.

When Hongjoong briefly opened his eyes for a second Wooyoung saw a different spark in his eyes. In his mind, He saw that Hongjoong was willing to die in that moment. 

Later after the paramedics came, Wooyoung had his first panic attack, Despite having anxiety he had, it never bothered him enough to send in his body into panic like that. 

But seeing the boy he loved, nearly dying in his arms, with his blood on his hands, did that. surprisingly Yunho was the one to calm him down. 

"I'm sorry San, I know this night was just for us, But i can't stop thinking about it." San understood everything that Wooyoung was feeling. He pulled Wooyoung closer and held him tight and kissed him on the head.

"Woo, I love you, nothing will change that, so, if you need to vent or talk to me about it you can, I know how hard you fell for Hongjoong, You didn't deserve to witness that. Nor did Hongjoong deserve that pain. " San said softly. 

Wooyoung broke out in sobs, he swore to never cry in front of his boyfriend like this,  but he couldn't handle it anymore. San held him tighter and put his head on Wooyoung shoulders they were practically in ball on the couch.

Hongjoong's mother was numb from the soju when she received  the call that her Son had nearly died at school today when he got jumped by a group of boys and had internal injuries. 

Mr Bangchan called Mrs Kim to come to school. She was dressed in a black dress and black heels with a jean jacket covering her.

"As you know Mrs Kim, your son is in the ICU, were are here to talk about the safety of your son, especially in the schools environment. First of all-"

"Stop." She said. She leaned closer "My son is a good kid, and excuse my french, but damn it, we moved out here so that why he didn't need to deal with this shit! I'm not here not talk about my son, i'm here to talk about the other boys and girls that did this to him! answer me this are they facing the consequences?'

Mr Bangchan readjusted in his chair, honestly he no idea, the headmaster wanted to shush up this whole event, "Ma'am i have no idea to be frank." he answered honestly

"Then do something about it, I might not been there for Hongjoong a lot of times, But this time i will be. My boy doesn't deserve this. Please. Fix it"

Then she got up and left, just like that.  

And Mr Bangchang was the facing the issue of his losing his teaching license for one of his students.

HELLO, Just a fun fact i wrote this entire chapter listening to Kendrick's disstrack  Meet the grahams AAA, but honestly fuck drake. 


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