Hope | CH 9

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(This a bit of a longer chapter, (As in 2170) words long and IT DOES GET A LITTLE SPICY AT THE END JUST WARNING

Hongjoong and Yunho found a quiet room in Mingi's large house, None of their friends realized they were gone except Seonghwa who Hongjoong still hadn't seen him after he vanished earlier. 
Yunho sat down the bed in the bed. Hongjoong locked the door. He then sat by Yunho. He suddenly felt nervous but the anxiety went away as fast as it came, He suddenly felt more free in his body. He was so relaxed. His mind was quiet for once. 

"So what do we need to talk about?" Yunho asked interested. Noticing how Hongjoong body was relaxing. He just seem really happy too. Hongjoong cleared his throat "I'm curious about you and Seonghwa's friendship." he said straightforward. He felt brave. Yunho smiled. "What do you mean?" he teased a bit. Knowing what Hongjoong meant

"You seem to know him, And i wanna know him too." Hongjoong said quickly. Yunho chuckled softly "I'll only tell you if you tell what's been your deal with your friend-group, and why you suddenly avoided them for 3 weeks." Hongjoong tensed. But he felt so free. "It's confusing" Hongjoong admitted. Yunho leaned closer "I can see on your face that you know the answer. I won't tell, it can be our secret, A secret for a secret

Hongjoong felt a sense of comfort in the concepts of sharing secrets, None of his friend-group were friends or even knowledged Yunho existence as far as Hongjoong knew  except Mingi, so who the hell was he going to tell? "Fuck it.. I like San.. " he quickly said. Yunho leaned back pleased with the answer "I wanna hear more. Like crush wise?" Yunho said Hongjoong nodded "I've been dealing with changes... " "Like what?" Yunho was engulfed now "Like.. It's hard to explain.. feelings... emotions i've never felt before. But.. It's not just San... " Hongjoong said trying his best to describe it.

Yunho readjusted himself on the bed he was enjoying it, he could feel Hongjoong mind working. "Who else is it?" Yunho sweetly asked. Hongjoong felt flustered randomly "I- i'm not sure... just i know its for sure San, I feel my heart race around him.. But he's dating someone, so it feels dirty.." Yunho realized it all made sense, as he been following around Mingi secretly.

Yunho  had been in-love with him since they young, and realized the sudden changes in him around 3 weeks ago, and Mingi found himself comforting Wooyoung a lot more, Which made Yunho jealous, seeing them being intertwined with themselves but it all made sense. Wooyoung was hurting, But Hongjoong was hurting.. But in a different way. His heart was hurting to be free awhile Wooyoung's soul cried of confusion. 

Yunho put his arm around Hongjoong who was clearly out of it now, "Who said it was dirty?" Hongjoong brain never thought about it Why did he think it was dirty? "Well.. I shouldn't have thinked such things about a boy... one that is taken at least.." Yunho grip around Hongjoong got tighter. "Hongjoong, Have you ever been in love?" Hongjoong blinked. God, He was so out of it. He barely think. He was just there. But hongjoong nodded no "I've never been.." Yunho smirked "So San is your first crush?" Hongjoong nodded "yes... I guess. But he's a boy!" 

Yunho sighed "Who care's if San a boy?" Yunho put his hand on Hongjoong's chest, Feeling his heart beat, "It's about what the heart wants." Hongjoong felt a sense of warmth from Yunho, Without thinking he put his head on Yunho's lap, He felt safe. Despite the loud people and music from the other parts of the house. He felt so happy to be talking about his feelings without judgement.

"Yunho Hyung.. Thank you for listening.." Yunho surprised at Hongjoong sweet voice and calling him Hyung, Yunho was happy to be a outlet for someone,  Yunho began patting Hongjoong's hair and whispered "Do you wanna know about my secret now?" Hongjoong had completely forgot why he dragged Yunho in here. He nodded. Being very aware of his breathing.

"Me and Seonghwa are very similar to each other, People know him as this god, He's beautiful, athletic, cunning and mysterious person, But underneath that demi-god of a shell. Is a broken boy, whose been raised wrong. So i've been taking care of him recently and me and him  are on similar missions right now"

Hongjoong eye's lit up "Missions? what are you superhero's secretly?" Yunho smiled and chuckled a bit at the childish remark,  "No. We both wanna win over people we secretly desire" he said quietly as it was a sin. Hongjoong got up from Yunho's lap "Who do you like?" Yunho smirked again "You never asked for 2 secrets to be exchanged" He got up. "Now Hongjoong are we done here?"

 Hongjoong was feeling the world around him, It felt as it was moving, Yunho poked Hongjoong and he looked at Yunho not hearing the question before, "Are we done here?" Yunho repeated. Hongjoong nodded "yeah.. though im left with more questions." Yunho sighed but then smiled "Hongjoong enough with thinking, Did you forget we are at a party?"

Hongjoong did honestly. Yunho and Hongjoong left the room. There was no anxiety in Hongjoong. Yunho left Hongjoong to find his beloved Mingi, Hongjoong went to main front-room He found Jongho on the couch in the loud frontroom looking down Hongjoong decided not bring the up event that was Seonghwa and Jongho kissing , Hongjoong smiled and sat by him "Jongho? are you alright?" Then Jongho tightly hugged him. "I- I- Can't do this Hongjoong!" Jongho said muffled into Hongjoong shoulder. 

Hongjoong didn't know what Jongho was freaking out about "What are you talking about Jongho?" Jongho started to cry harder "Y-yeosang is- is- so h-handsome, i- i- cant t-take it!" Hongjoong smiled at the boy crying over a boy, It almost felt how Hongjoong felt to San and Wooyoung.

"Then why are you crying?" Hongjoong asked sweetly not bothered, "B-because he- he- he" Hongjoong started to see a blush on Jongho's face "He what?" Hongjoong asked, "He- k-kissed me" Jongho said weepy, Hongjoong smiled, Jongho was just flustered. "So he just kissed you?"

Jongho got up from Hongjoong's shoulder  and looked at Hongjoong "No- i-it was a d-dare" Hongjoong laughed "God, You're a mess Jongho, Be happy maybe this a start a love story" Hongjoong believed in love stories. And seeing Jongho this flustered made Hongjoong believe it more.

Jongho smiled "H-hopefully, he's so b-beautiful" "Did you say i'm beautiful?" A voice beside said Jongho became more red, "I- I-" Jongho stuttered,  Yeosang smiled and bent down and kissed the blushy boy on the cheek, Yeosang held out a drink "This is for you Jongho," Jongho grabbed the cup and drinked it. "Why is it so s-strong?" Yeosand took a sip from the other cup in his hand "Strawberry Vodka, You want a taste Hongjoong?" Hongjoong already wasn't sober so what could happen?'

Hongjoong nodded, he never had alcohol before, as he couldn't stand the taste of Soju, Yeosang handed Hongjoong his cup and he tasted it, It tasted like sweet candy, but it was super strong, Hongjoong choked a bit, And handed the cup back to Yeosang. Yeosang turned his attention to Jongho "Mind if i take him Hongjoong?" Hongjoong smiled "Go ahead"

Jongho was suddenly forced up and tried fighting back before he was pulled by Yeosang to the dance floor, Hongjoong looked around, He saw Seonghwa looking at him. What was his deal? Seonghwa licked his lips, for some reason Hongjoong didn't feel scared. In fact, He loved making eye-contact with Seonghwa till Seonghwa broke it by being pulled into conversation by the person beside him. Hongjoong sighed, Why were the men so beautiful in Seoul?


Hongjoong found himself looking for San, as that was the only friend that Hongjoong hadn't seen, He saw Mingi and Yunho, Seonghwa off and on, Wooyoung was talking to his other friends, Yeosang and Jongho were still dancing together. He was now high and tipsy, Hongjoong felt like a mess, He started moving  past the large crowds of people quietly calling out San. He once again found himself in a long hallway again. Maybe San was one of these rooms? He started to look into the rooms when he opened a door and suddenly got pushed in. 

"Aye!" he turned around to see the San, Hongjoong was worried he couldn't he control his blushing. San looked so handsome, His button up shirt was roughed up, his hair was messed up. Clearly wasn't sober either, as Hongjoong could see his blood-shot eyes, "S-San?"

San smiled "Your so much more handsome when your face is buffy, " Hongjoong blush "San, s-stop" San smirked "Stop what?" He moved closer to Hongjoong. Hongjoong couldn't breathe "P-please- just-" Hongjoong moved back as San got closer "I know you like me" Hongjoong blushed even more "N-no i- i- d-dont" San smirked once more, "Then why are you blushing?" 

All of sudden San pushed Hongjoong onto the bed in the room, Hongjoong wasn't fighting back, but he wasn't quite  ready, when he had  the random urge to say: "S-san im a v-virgin! s-stop!" San looked at the smaller boy beneath him and giggled "You think i'm going to fuck you Hongjoong?" Hongjoong suddenly felt embarrassed "I- im sorry-  I just thought but I know  your dating" San put his hand over Hongjoong's mouth "I'm not going to fuck you don't worry not yet, Also Wooyoung likes you too if your worried about Wooyoung. In fact, he's probably mad i got to you first, But there's a reason for this and i need you to listen alright?" 

Hongjoong was blushy, there was  this unwaked desire to be told to listen by San, God, Hongjoong didn't how far this crush went, Hongjoong nodded enjoying this secretly. "Tell me why you ignored us for 3 weeks pretty boy, and every honest answer, I'll kiss you. Deal?" Hongjoong wanted to scream of happiness internally the thought of San kissing him was paradise, San removed his hand.

"I- I- was going through a rough emotional time and then- i- i- s-started to really like you" San kissed him, His lips were soft. Hongjoong froze up, San wasn't lying. "Keep talking" Hongjoong gulped "And- i never had a crush before so i didn't how to deal with that, It didn't help you were a boy.." San looked at him "Are you homophobic?" Hongjoong's eyes widened "No! i've just n-never liked a boy..."  San kissed him again. "How does that make you feel?" San asked

"G-good!" he smiled before he faced with the another kiss, Hongjoong just realized this was his first kiss, or kissing by this point. "You promise never to ignore us again sweet boy?" "Yeah.. I'm sorry- I know it's wrong " San smiled at him "It's fine Hongjoong, you know better now. " San looked at bandages around his arm when he fell "I have to apologize too, For hurting you" Hongjoong wanted to cry at the softness of San's voice "It's fine, i feel fine. " San smiled and started kissing Hongjoong.

Hongjoong started kissing back, He loved this, He always craved physical touch. Hongjoong wrapped around the body of San feeling his muscles through his shirt. Only wet kissing noises filled the room, Hongjoong moaned softly accidentally when San started more pressure into the kisses. Hongjoong's face got red "I- Im sorry!" he said quietly. San looked at him once more "It's alright, you can't help it, plus it was beautiful" Hongjoong got red. He got more even red when he felt something in his pants.

Oh shit, Hongjoong didn't want San to notice his growing erection with every kiss, Usually he hates the feeling of it, but Hongjoong didn't mind the feeling, It's he wasn't sure how San would react. San seemed to notice his slighty changed behavior and looked down "San! no!" Hongjoong squeaked out

San smirked "You must really love me then." Hongjoong felt so embarrassed "Im sorry-" San shushed him with a harsh kiss. San then looked at him "Do i have consent to touch you?" Hongjoong blushed. "Y-yeah just no sex alright?" San nodded. Hongjoong watched as San readjusted himself, Hongjoong could see his boner, Which made him wanna scream and all of sudden. San touched Hongjoong. Hongjoong tensed. San started rubbing it through Hongjoong's pants. 

Hongjoong grabbed the bedsheets, it felt so good already, He started biting his lip. "I wanna make you feel good Hongjoong." San whispered. Hongjoong could feel his pre-cum he wasn't disgusted by it surprisingly. It was all was dreamy till

Seonghwa opened the door. "San." 

HELLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THIS CHAPTER GOT A LITTLE SPICE, I DO WANNA MENTION THIS NOT A SMUT BOOK (tho i might add special chapter after the story ends) BUT HOW ARE YALL FEELING. what do you think Seonghwa is going to do?

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