Energy Dynamics 101 -Lesson 2a

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Energy and Other people

The most common flavor and form of energy that you will encounter with be the energy that flows through people, or in the case of most people the energy between people that folk are constantly bickering about, collecting, hoarding, and attacking each other over.

So most people including you and the rest of us at one point in time, have access to a finite quantity of personal energy that is radiated out from the soul. The core energy is interlaced with all of the systems of your body: biologically; spiritually; and electronically.

The more of it you have the better you feel and when you are low on it you feel burned out, dull, and unable to think straight. Before learning to connect with the energy and establish a flow through you, your energy is usually highest first part of your day right after waking up and after meals or other invigorating experiences. It is lowest when you are tired or have recently experienced conflict or disagreement on some subject that your are emotionally attached to. All of the pumping techniques above can be ruined by an emotional vampire.

I promise to get deeper into them during the lessons on cryptids; for the time being an energy vampire is a person who with knowledge of energy and power steals core energy from any thinking being. Notice that part about knowledge, that is there because we are all energy vampires and we are all more addicted than most bottomed-out coke fiends to other people's energy.

Mundane Myth: There is only a finite quantity of this stuff we are all struggling over so we must have been meant to be locked in this eternal struggle between our good natures and our less than admirable qualities. This is the way the gods intended us to live. THIS IS A LIE.

So here are the basic dynamics of this energy theft.

Two folks (for simplicity) meet and begin to converse.

A point of disagreement is reached and both sides posture for position. Each time one person gets the higher ground they siphon off a bit of the other person's energy. This conflict continues until one side is too weak from energy loss to continue.

Many folks, myself included, would say then I will just refuse to argue and walk away. Now some folk come with the force of character to do this and walk away, there are three or four folk in millions who can. The rest of us, Again myself included, are hopelessly addicted to the feeling of being full of energy and are drawn into these conflicts especially when the other person is matching the complementary control drama to theirs.

People who are low on energy will do the most barbaric things to get that feeling back. This is the source of all human conflict. It is that thing that makes celebrities do what they do; hoarders do what they do; the addicted do what they do, the abused do what they do, the molesters, the killers, the politicians, the bankers, the overeater, and even the dominatrix and her slaves. This is why the mundanes are ceaselessly killing each other. Energy. The same stuff that we use to twist reality and bring miracles, as the Christians call them, back to the world.

So, here we are the edge of our next plateau.

This is the next step down the rabbit hole.

Goodbye Harry Potter, say hi to Clive Barker.

Another way to look at the above example of energy conflict, looking at it from the perspective of attention.

"Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows" – James Redfield.

Just like we learned in the last lesson of "Emotional Pumping," you can build up energy but focusing on a feeling and pumping the energy into that feeling. Your senses direct your energy, All of them, not just 5+15 that our meatsuits of have got; I also mean the magickal senses that you will begin to gain as you gain knowledge and power. When you direct your senses toward something your energy will begin to probe, stiffen up, spike out, etc. in that general direction or at that person, object, or space, until it finds something to attach to; start with house plants, yard bushes, and trees. It is possible to also pump a person this same way and this is useful in cooperative magick and group rituals if you do that sort of thing. More on intentionally pumping people and animals in the future.

Back to plants and trees.

Once you can confidently see the energy between your fingers. Spend a few minutes focusing on the Flame and Void or surrendering to the river meditations. Sit with the plant just outside of reach from a mediative position; if using a tree sit back far enough to see the very top of the tree. Now Focus on the tree or plant. First, look for the energy at the edges and points against sky. When you see this begin to focus on the objective beauty of the plant/tree. The subtle color differences in leaf color, the way the breeze moves the leaves. Now at this point you will see/feel the field of the tree or plant become larger. With trees, this is most evident at the very top of the tree. Imagine the field getting larger and larger, the plant's energy will top out and then something amazing happens.

It says thank you, by projecting the excess to you. Your core energy will build up larger and faster each time you do this and you will get to be full of energy, at least until someone comes along and drains you, or just life itself drains you. You can break your addiction by understanding your control dramas and then learn to stop playing the twisted game of thrones we all live in each day.

Next lesson we spend a bit more time with theconflict and control dramas intro. Thanks for reading.

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