A Hope Held in Hallow Silence

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Remus Lupin, The Forbidden forest

It was a trick spell in the end that had caught Pettigrew, one, ironically enough, he had helped create. It was created by the Marauders back in their school days to turn an item transparent before yanking it to the caster quickly, the spell wasn't perfect, the transparency wasn't all that powerful or perfect so a keen eye could catch it, and the range was limited, and worst of all, it didn't summon something to your hand, you had to figure out where it was going and catch it. It was more of a string that you cast out before hooking it onto something and railing back like a Muggle fishing pole, the Marauders had created the spell to pass notes in class or snap something up that would get them in trouble before stuffing it out of view. The spell could work on anything smaller than a book, living flesh or not, the only thing it didn't work on is James' cloak, but not even the Accio charm worked on that damn thing.

So, after exams were done for the day and dinner was coming quickly, Lupin found himself in his office, organizing his notes of everything that he had gone over for each year in his tenure working at Hogwarts, while he hopes the curse may leave him whole and healthy, he honestly was more afraid If something happening to a student, but either way, he was going to leave a stack of organized notes for whoever the defense professor was next year, he was just about finished with it when he decided to take a peek at the mad, a quick sweep of it, checking the perimeter of the wards, that's when he saw something that made his blood run cold.

Peter was in the same room as Harry, he was in Hagrid's hut. He took off from his office, running full tilt through the school only slowing down to cast a Patronus with a message to Sirius of where the Rat was and where to meet him. As he leaves through the clock tower courtyard he checks the map again and sees that Peter hadn't left yet, and makes it to the Hut, sneaking around the side and peaking through the window he sees the Rat, sneaking around the bottles on the shelves on the other side of the Hut. He closes his eyes and hopes his prayer would be answered for a distraction for the occupants inside the but before casting out his wand in a quick circle and a flick. He feels his spell connect and knew he had the Rat as it goes translucent, the stove in the hut makes a loud pop just as he rails the rat to the window, catching it before conjuring a cloth bag and charming it to be unbreakable as a bottle falls and shatters on the floor of the hut.

"Don't even try it, Peter, the bag is charmed, you'll die if you try to transform while in there," Moony hisses at the bag as he shoves the map and his wand into the pocket of his robes as he walks into the forest.

Lupin walks for a while, thinking of their next move, they had to get Sirius, Peter, and Dumbledore in the same room without the Headmaster killing Sirius as soon as he saw him and Dumbledore was out of the castle at the moment on business. Soon enough he enters a clearing, cleared of underbrush with a circle of stones laid down in the middle of it as if the older students were trying ritual magic in it, worrying but not concerned by it at the moment, he walks down one of the three low hills that surround the clearing before he hears the sound of someone walking through it, turning to his right he sees a large black dog standing at the top of one of the other hills and runs over to meet it as it transforms back into Sirius.

"Did you get him?" He asks quickly as Moony approaches.

Lupin nods and holds up the bag with a smirk, "Right here, he won't be able to escape this time." Moony says with a smirk.

"Yes!" Sirius cheers, a grin full-blown on his face, as he claps his hand and jumps around like a kid at Yule time.

"We've got you now, you fucking rat!" Sirius says as he takes the bag from Remus, "How'd you pull it off with everyone in the Hut?" He asks.

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