Chapter 2

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Josephine was going to be known as a parlor boarder, and she was going to have more privileges than parlor boarders did. She was going to have a room of her own, a personal maidservant. she loved writing and reading she was to have her own space for that too. The next day, her mother left Josephine at Saint Agatha's. "She's a very kindhearted child, always giving her possessions to those in need. I find that quite wonderful in a person. Especially in children." When she started lessons, she had no trouble with learning French, in truth, her father and mother had spoken it to her as an infant, and they still did. She politely explained in French that she would be glad to learn anything new that the instructor would teach her but she already knew the words in the book. "Madame, there's nothing I can teach the new pupil, she hasn't learned French, she is French." Miss Fairfax looked astounded by this young student, who said nothing.

As the days passed at Saint Agatha's, Josephine found herself settling into her new routine with ease. She took advantage of the privileges granted to her as a parlor boarder, reveling in having her own room and a personal maidservant to attend to her needs. Her love for writing and reading flourished in the quiet sanctuary of her room, where she could lose herself in the pages of her favorite books and fill journals with her thoughts and stories. Josephine's proficiency in French continued to impress her instructors, who quickly realized that she was not just any pupil, but a native French speaker. Miss Fairfax, in particular, was astounded by Josephine's command of the language at such a young age. Despite the initial surprise, Josephine's classmates and teachers soon grew accustomed to her presence and admired her humility and kindness. She became known not only for her intellect but also for her generosity, always willing to help others and share her belongings with those in need. As Josephine navigated the halls of Saint Agatha's, she knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be, embracing each new day with curiosity and determination. Little did she know, her journey was just beginning, and the adventures that lay ahead would shape her into the extraordinary woman she was destined to become.

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