Chapter 9

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As snow fell down the streets of London, lady Josephine woke up on Christmas morning to find a gift from Emily, who had made her a small pin cushion.  "Oh, my goodness, she didn't have to do that for me." Lady Josephine said, as she held the pincushion in her hands. "Do you like it Miss Josephine?" Emily asked. "Oh Emily it's adorable, I love it." Lady Josephine smiled. "I got you a gift too." Lady Josephine walked over to her writing desk and pulled out a homemade journal with Emily's name embroidered on it. "You can practice writing in it, and write anything inside." Emily thanked lady Josephine, placed her gift in her attic room, and went back to work. Josephine opened the gift form her parents, that was placed under the seminary Christmas tree. The other girls watched as lady Josephine gasped as she saw the Holly colored dress, soft white hat and hand muff. Lady Josephine went up to her room to change into her new dress, with the assistance of her maidservant, Marie. Josephine thanked her maidservant, and continued to walk downstairs to where everyone else was gathered.

"Merry Christmas, lady Josephine." Lord Gilbert said, smiling as he walked to her. "Thank you, lord Gilbert. " She replied. "How are your parents doing?" Gilbert asked, "they're fine." She said, "and yours?" Gilbert nodded and smiled. He was wearing his newest outfit. "Is he your boyfriend?" Rosie asked. Rosie was four, the youngest classmate who was left at saint Agatha's by her father, who wanted his daughter to get a head start on her education.  "No, Rosie, we're only seven years old." lady Josephine giggles, "but we're good friends, and writers." Gilbert explained.  Rosie nodded and watched as he danced with lady Josephine and talked about story ideas for their next project.  As the conversation progressed,  lord Gilbert's parents walked in and met lady Eleanor and lord Don, Josephine's mother and father.  "It seemed like our children enjoy each other's company." Lady Eleanor said, pointing out lord Gilbert as he and lady Josephine were reading their new book to the younger children.  Then she saw Emily and invited her to join the fun. "Oh no miss, I couldn't, I have work still." She said.  Lord don looked at Emily and smiled at her, saying, "my daughter sees you as her friend as well. I'm sure the headmistress will allow you time off on Christmas Day." 

Lord don looked at miss Fairfax, and she nodded. "Thank you ma'am." Emily said, walking to lady Josephine and lord Gilbert as they continued reading.

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