Chapter 7

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"Lady Josephine, your parents wrote a letter." Miss Fairfax said, handing an envelope to lady Josephine. "They also sent a package to you." She handed a small package to her as well. As lady Josephine reads the letter, she smiles. The letter contains a proud message from her father and mother about her published book, which they purchased a copy of for their study and a gift. A small French porcelain doll, she had affectionately named the doll, Beth, from little women. Lady Josephine was still a child, despite her writing skills and themes she wrote about. One day Emily came to clean lady Josephine's room while she was in dance class, and Emily fell asleep with Beth, Josephine's doll in her arms. After class, lord Gilbert waited for her to come out and she invited him to her room, where they found Emily asleep. Lord Gilbert was irate, but he watched with surprise as she gently woke Emily up, "I know you weren't trying to fall asleep, Emily; I know how hard you work every day. Here." She handed Emily a meat pie, and she hid it in her apron pocket, thanking her before she scurried out of the room like a frightened rabbit.

"Was she the-" lord Gilbert was going to say, "the ill-used heroine?" Lady Josephine nodded and explained that Emily was based on the main character of her story. "Is that why you're nice to her?" He inquired. "No, I'm nice by nature." She admitted. "If I were angry at someone, it would be because they were doing something wicked or foolish."  

Then Lady Josephine and lord Gilbert sat on the rug near the hearth, trying to come up with story ideas they could work on together. "I was thinking of a book with illustrations, like the books here except for older people."  Lady Josephine suggested, just as her classmate and foe, Lilly, who was thirteen, sniffed and said, "you wicked thing, making up stories about people who are real? What are you thinking?! Lady Josephine ignored her, and so did lord Gilbert,  "don't you dare ignore me!" she spat. "I can, I have, and I will until you're calm and not act like a two-year-old."  Lady Josephine said, not even looking up from the work she and Gilbert were writing.  

"A two-year-old?!" Lilly ejaculated furiously. Gilbert tried not to laugh but failed in the attempt. "I'm thirteen; I expect you to remember that!" She stomped out of the room, and Lord Gilbert mimicked her perfectly. Then, they both laughed.

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