Chapter 4

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"Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr smith, Mr Larry sent me with a letter of recommendation." Josephine looked around, looking for any soul who might point her to the direction of Mr smith. "I'm Mr smith, Miss. what can I help you with?" Josephine handed him her letter of recommendation from Mr Larry and explained that he sent her to talk to him about possibly publishing her story. "I'm impressed that he saw potential in someone young as yourself Miss, may I see your story?" Josephine nodded as she handed her story to Mr Smith. "Josephine Blackwood." He smiled as he returned the story to the young writer. "I would like to buy your story and print it, and if you have any other stories please bring them to me."  Josephine nodded fervently and shook hands with Mr smith. "Thank you." She smiled.

As lady Josephine returned to Saint Agatha's, she looked at the sun setting on the Ivy covered walls and remembered when her mother had dropped her off not long ago. She had to write her a letter to inform her mother and father about what happened today. They would be proud of me. She told herself as she drifted off to sleep that night. I know they would be.

After a few days she received a copy of her story, and her earnings. It wasn't much, but she didn't care. "The money doesn't matter to me, I'm doing it for fun." She told her classmate and friend, Ella. "I wish I could write as well as you do." She smiled. Ella wasn't good with handwriting or anything with creativity, but when it came to history she was very good at it. "maybe you could try writing nonfiction or historical fiction.." Josephine suggested "I could use a rival my own age." She admitted. "Many other writers are men, and when they see me they either introduce themselves or insult me. Sometimes they do both." She sighs sadly, then a flicker of light comes to her eyes. "I just thought of something, maybe more women and girls should get involved in writing stories or poems. Maybe we should follow our own hearts and desires. We shouldn't let anyone dictate how we should feel or think." Lady Josephine was smiling as she spoke to her friend. Then the headmistress came to lady Josephine and said, "you have a guest, lady Josephine. A boy who's a lord, and he's your age."

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