Chapter 3

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After Josephine's lessons, she returned to her room and saw a young scullery maid cleaning her hearth. The young scullery maid was named Emily. "Hello, I'm Josephine." She introduced herself.  "What's your name?" Emily nearly bumped her head, but she slowly turned and bobbed a curtsy; she said, "Emily, miss. I'm afraid I can't stay long and chat; otherwise, I'll get scolded."  Emily soon scuttled away from sight before anyone saw her talking to Josephine.  Josephine wanted to learn more about Emily, so she asked her maid, Marie, "What can you tell me about Emily?"  Marie didn't need time to think and gave a flowing description of Emily's work. "She's a scullery maid but does everything in between. From polishing shoes to laundry." After hearing that description, she wrote a story about Emily being an ill-used heroine of noble birth who fell into desperate times and bankruptcy; on the way to church that Sunday morning, with Josephine leading the way, she saw an advertisement outside the printing press, stories wanted for printing. We are willing to pay. Since Josephine had her carriage, she could do this with permission from the headmistress, Miss Fairfax.  After checking with the headmistress, Josephine received permission, and headed to the nearby printing company. 

"Are you delivering the story for someone else, Miss?"  Mr Larry inquired. "Josephine, and, No sir, I wrote it."  Josephine answered. "I currently reside in saint Agatha's as a parlor boarder.  Mr. Larry reads the story and nods impressively. "For someone young as yourself, you have talent." He admits. "do you have anymore stories?"  Josephine nodded, "lots. If you're interested I can bring them here next time I come. Why?" Mr. Larry laces his finger together, and explains that he knows a publisher who might want to buy her work. "Does the publisher work here?" Josephine inquired. "Nearby Saint Paul's cathedral." He answered, writing down a note to hand over to his friend. "Give this to Mr Smith, it is your letter of recommendation." Josephine nodded and smiled as she took the note and left. 

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