Chapter 6

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"I appreciate the concern for lord Gilbert, but I would like to get to know him on my own terms before deciding whether to become friends with him." Lady Josephine said.  Lady Mildred was not keen on the words of lady Josephine. Thankfully for lady Josephine , lord Gilbert came to her aide. "Mom, are you trying to force her to be my friend? We were already getting along until you decided to try to force her into being a friend."  Lady Josephine nodded, thanking Gilbert for the quick response. "I apologize if my mother was hasty. She just wants me to have a friend,  she sometimes gets desperate."  Lady Josephine nodded and said, "I already consider you a friend, by choice, not because of your mother. She thanked me for inspiring you  for getting back into writing."  This was out of his mother's ear range. But his father heard everything and talked about it to lady Mildred.

Lord Gilbert's father, Lord John, confronted Lady Mildred about the conversation he overheard between Lady Josephine and his son. "Mildred, we mustn't force friendships upon Gilbert. He's old enough to make his own choices, especially regarding companionship," he remarked sternly.

Lady Mildred bristled at the rebuke but couldn't deny the wisdom in Lord John's words. "I only want what's best for Gilbert. He's been rather lonely since his sister moved away," she defended herself.

Lord John sighed, his expression softening. "I understand your concern, my dear, but we must give Gilbert the freedom to form genuine connections at his own pace. Let's trust in his judgment."

Meanwhile, Lady Josephine and Gilbert found solace in each other's company, bonding over shared interests and mutual respect. Despite the initial awkwardness caused by Lady Mildred's interference, their friendship blossomed naturally, unaffected by external pressures.

As they spent more time together, Lady Josephine and Gilbert discovered a deep connection rooted in their love for literature and their shared desire for creative expression. They encouraged each other to pursue their passions wholeheartedly, finding inspiration and comfort in each other's presence.

In the midst of societal expectations and familial pressures, Lady Josephine and Gilbert forged a bond that transcended external influences, proving that true friendship knows no bounds. And as they embarked on this journey of self-discovery and companionship, they knew that they could rely on each other to navigate the challenges ahead.

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