Chapter 10

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When everyone else opened their gifts, Lady Josephine and Lord Gilbert smiled at each other and said that they would see each other soon.  "Maybe after new years?" Gilbert offered. "I would like that." She replied. The hours came and went quickly.  She was happy to spend time with her family and friends she had made along the way.

As she drifted off to sleep that night after teaching Emily more letters, she held Beth, her small doll, close to her. 

The following morning, lily was screaming at Emily and demanding that she should tell her who was teaching her to read and write. "I am, Lilly!" Lady Josephine said in her fiery little temper she saved when needed. "Leave Emily alone, she's got every right to learn just as we do!"   Lilly scoffed, "no she doesn't, she's nothing but a drudge."  "She is human." Lady Josephine said, almost growling in anger.

Lady Josephine stood tall, her gaze unwavering as she faced Lily's hostility. "Every person deserves the opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of their station in life," she declared, her voice firm with conviction. "Emily may be a servant, but she is no less deserving of education and respect than any of us."Lily's eyes narrowed, her lips curling into a sneer. "You may think you're some kind of champion for the underprivileged, Josephine, but you're just a foolish girl playing at nobility," she spat. Lady Josephine remained resolute, her resolve unshaken by Lily's taunts. "I will not stand by while someone is belittled and denied their rights," she retorted, her tone steely. "Emily is part of this household, and she will be treated with dignity and kindness, whether you approve or not.". Lily turned around and left.

"I don't care if I get punished for teaching you to read and write. The headmistress can hang me by my neck until death for all I care." Lady Josephine told Emily as Lilly walked into miss Fairfax's office and told her, "lady Josephine has been teaching Emily how to read and write."

Emily's eyes widened in shock at Lady Josephine's declaration, a mixture of gratitude and concern flickering across her face. "But milady, I couldn't bear to see you suffer because of me," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.Lady Josephine gently took Emily's hands in hers, her expression soft but determined. "You are worth every risk, Emily," she said earnestly. "Your education is important, and I will not let anyone take that away from you."Meanwhile, Lily's betrayal echoed through Miss Fairfax's office, her words dripping with malice as she accused Lady Josephine of defying the rules. Miss Fairfax's stern gaze fell upon Lady Josephine, her disappointment evident as she addressed her. "Lady Josephine, I am deeply disappointed in you," she said firmly. "Teaching a servant to read and write is against the rules of this household."But Lady Josephine remained resolute, meeting Miss Fairfax's gaze without flinching. "With all due respect, Miss Fairfax, I believe that education should be accessible to all, regardless of their station," she stated firmly. "I will accept any consequences for my actions, but I stand by my decision to empower Emily."As the tension filled the room, Lady Josephine's determination remained unwavering, ready to face whatever punishment awaited her for standing up for what she believed in.

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