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Taehyung's pov:

After some chitchat,Jiminie left for his home.Jinnie hyung also left for some work.That's why i'm now looking after the cafe.

Today two of waiters are on leave.So i will also take orders from the customers.I don't mind these things cause i love to help my hyung.

And now i'm making strawberry milkshake for one of our elder customer.She is really kind and hamble.She also love me so much.She reminds me of my own grandma who is no more.

I prepared the milkshake and was about to go and serve her but suddenly i bump into someone and spill the milkshake on that person's shirt.I hurriedly look at the person and for the first time i feel scared for my dear life.

Tae in mind:
Oh shoot!!Kim taehyung you're dead now.Why it always have to be him(frustrated)

That person started shouting at me.I feel like crying but i can't complain cause this is totally my fault.

Tae:Sir i'm extremely sorry.Please calm down.

No one's pov:

In the main time Jin also came.

Jin:Tae!What is happening here?!!!

Tae:Hyung i-i was just..
He looks at jin with teary eyes.

Jin looks at the other person then his eyes went on the ruined shirt of that person.He can tell the man is super angry.
Jin understood the situation and said,

Jin:Sorry for inconvenience sir.(90° bow)
Tae please take him to the washroom.And help him to clean his shirt.

Tae:Please sir come with me.

In washroom:

Taekook are now in washroom.Tae take a tissue in his hand and is about to clean the shirt but jk suddenly starts unbuttoning his shirt.Tae is kinda scared now.

Tae:S-sir.W-what are you d-doing?(nervous)

Jk remove his shirt and throw it on taehyung's face saying,

(Jk is now half naked in front of taehyung)

Jk:Wash the ruined part properly.I don't want your stupid apology.Clean it fast.(cold voice)

He tries hard to not look at that tattooed arm.Also those 8 pack abs and hard chest.But can't help staring at them.

Jk noticed it but doesn't say anything,only having a small smirk on his face.

Tae is just washing the dirty part of the shirt properly.He can feel a pair of eyes staring at him,making him feel a bit uncomfortable.

Jk:You work here?

Tae flinched at the sudden voice.He looked at the professor who is looking at him with cold eyes.

Tae:N-no.This his my hyung's cafe.Today he is a bit busy that's why i'm here.
Sir you shirt is clean now.If you want you can wear my hyung's shirt until it dries up.

Jk:No need.
Takes his shirt,wears it and leaves.

Tae is standing there with his beating heart.

Tae in mind:
He is so rude(pout)
But why my heart beats so fast when i see this man.It's must be because i'm scared of him or something else?

Hope you guys ignored the grammatical mistakes and enjoyed it<3

Hearts Apart || kvTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon