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Jungkook's pov:
The classes are finally over.Today i came with yoongi hyung's car.That's why i didn't bring mine.Yoongi has some urgent work and left early.I called my driver to sent me a car but he's not picking up my phone.I tried to book a cab but it said it will take an hour to come here.
Damn it i don't have this much time.I called yoongi hyung and told him to send someone asap.

The weather seems dull.I guess It's going to rain.

Now i'm walking on the side of the road.The road is quite empty.There aren't many people here.All of a sudden,It started raining.People are running here and there.I saw a store and ran to it.The store is close and i'm standing under its roof.Not only me but also some of our university students.When they noticed to me they bowed to me.Then i saw that clumsy boy.He didn't notice me yet.

After some time,the rain stopped.

Everyone left one by one,leaving only me and the boy.He seemed tensed.I think he is waiting for someone.He turned in my direction and when he saw me he looked scared.He hesitantly bowed to me.I nodded my head.

I lit a cigarette.I'm getting pretty bored,so i decided to talk with the boy.

Jk:Hey kid!Are you waiting for someone?

M-me?(pointing to himself)

Jk:Is there anyone else here except me and you?(kinda rudely)



Tae:Y-yes professor.I'm waiting for my hyung.He'll come to pick me up.


Again they start minding their own business.

Out of nowhere,a strong wind came causing Tae to cover his eyes.But he didn't notice that due to the wind,his shirt had been slightly raised up revealing his pretty perfect waist.

But Jungkook noticed this and cursed under his breath.He could see taehyung's perfect smooth waist,cute tummy and also that waist chain😩
Jungkook gulps hard seeing this cute yet sexy seen infront of him.His eyes immediately darken.He is sure this waist would perfectly fit in his arms.

He is sure this waist would perfectly fit in his arms

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(Taehyung's outfit)

(Taehyung's outfit)

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Another gust of wind came, this time causing Tae to stumble back.But Jungkook was fast enough to catch him. Jungkook's hand directly touched Tae's bare waist.And because of the touch a gasp left from taehyung's mouth.Taehyung's hands landed on jk's chest.

Now both are staring at eachother.Jungkook's Eyes went on taehyung's lips and his hands automatically started caressing Tae's waist.Tae's breath grew heavy.

But their sweet moment was interrupted by a car's horn.

Jk come to his right mind and let go of tae.
Taehyung is blushing now while Jk is angry at himself.He doesn't know what suddenly got into him.

Jk:Why are you so clumsy.Can't you just be normal?(rudely)

Hearing this tae became sad.

Tae:why so rude?(whispering)
But jk heard it quite clearly.

Jk:What did you said?(Angry)
Before he could say more Jin came.

Jin:I'm so sorry bear!Because of the rain and heavy wind hyung is late.

Tae:It's okay hyungie.

Jin:Come fast.we have to go.

Jin notices jungkook.And he finds jungkook's face fimilar.But he can't remember where he saw him.

Tae bowed to jk before entering in the car.He looked up Jk from the window.Jk is staring at him with his cold eyes.He remove his eyes from jk and focus on front.Jin starts the car and left.

After sometime jk also left.

Both of them are confused about the new feelings.But one of them is loving it and another one is hating it.

Hope you guys ignored the grammatical mistakes and enjoyed it.And if you liked it please vote:>

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