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At night:

Jin is now alone in his cafe because it almost closing time.So,he has some remaining work.After finishing the work he'll head to home.

He hears a ding sound indicating someone has entered the cafe.

Jin:SORRY.We're close now.
He shouts from inside.So the person can hear.

Customer:Umm Please can i get a iced strawberry milkshake?I heard that it's a very popular drink in your cafe.Please don't say no.
The man said in a louder voice.

Jin can tell the man is super tried by hearing his voice.

Jin:Alright!Wait for 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes:

Jin came out from the kitchen with the drink on his hand.He saw a man sitting and head down on the table.

Jin:Sir..sir..(tapping the man's shoulder)
Here is your iced strawberry milkshake.(smile)

Customer:Ohh thanks(dimple smile)
Finally the man looks at jin and his breath hitches seeing the purple haired beauty in front of his eyes.All his tiredness flew away.

Jin was also having a hard time cause the man infront of him is extremely handsome.

Jin:W-wow!You're handsome.
(Realized what he just said)
I-i mean..umm haha..(don't know what to say)
Btw I'm Jin.(smile)

The man chuckles and says,

Namjoon:I'm Namjoon.It's very nice to meet you(dimple smile)
Btw you're really beautiful and gorgeous(whipped)

Jin:It's nice to meet you too.And i know that i'm beautiful💅(sweet smile)
Please enjoy your drink sir.

Jin was about to go but namjoon held his hand.His heartbeat fasten.

Jin:Do you w-want anything else?

Namjoon:Can you sit here with me?i won't mind having a talk with you.(scratching his nape)

Jin:Oh..O-okay!!!(His full face is red now because of blushing)

Namjoon:i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable.

Jin:No no.You didn't..

Namjoon:Sooo umm..are you single?


Namjoon:Me too!Umm i like you hair colour.It's pretty just like you.

Jin could only blush at it.

They had some normal conversation.
And both feel some different spark in their life for the first time.

Three months later:

Taehyung is sleeping like a dead person.Jin is as usual trying to wake him up.

Jin:Yaaah!!!!You lazy bear!!Wake up!!!

Tae:Hyung 5 minutes more.

Jin:Tae you will be late for your uni.(serious)

Tae:Okay okay i'm up.

Tae freshens up and gets ready for uni.After having his breakfast he leaves for uni.

He enters in uni but stops due to a bone-crushing hug from the back.

Jimin:Taetae!I missed you so much.

Tae:Hyung you're talking as if we didn't meet for ages.It's only been one day(done face)
Jimin:You know,this one day feels like a whole year to me(pouting)

Tae just laughed at him and both left for classes.

So Tae and Jimin became bestfriend or you can say soulmate in this two months.

They are laughing and talking because the professor didn't come yet.Suddenly two professor entered in the classroom.

They are none other than Jeon Jungkook and Min Yoongi.
All students bow to them.

Jimin:T-tae why they are here?(whisper)

Tae:Hyung i have the same question too.

(Both our tae and jimin are nervous)

Jk:So students i think you guys already know Mr.Hwan and Mr.Yuk moved to USA so from today we are gonna take your classes.
(They were the first year english and math professors.Jk And Yoongi is the higher class professors)
I'm professor Jeon Jungkook i'll take your english class and he is professor Min Yoongi.

Yoongi:And i'll take your math class.Got it?
Jk:I'm leaving now cuz i don't have class with you today.

Students:Yes professor.

Jimin:N-no.This can't be happened.
Tae:Jiminie don't be so scared he will not do anything to you.
Jimin:I hope so(sigh)

Yoongi's pov:

I instructed the students to open their books as i scanned the entire class,my eyes landed on a familiar face. As soon as our eyes met,he quickly looked down at his book.I smirked as I observed him.

Yoongi:Okay students,I'm going to give you a math problem on the board according to your homework.Then,I will call one of you to solve it.You'll need to come up here and solve the problem.Alright?

Students:Yes sir!

Yoongi start writing down the question on the board after that he is checking whom to give this math to solve.His eyes fall on a certain someone.

Yoongi in mind:

Haha shorty be ready for the actual game.Now i'm gonna tell you what i actually am(smirk)

Yoongi:Hey you.Come here and solve this man.
Yoongi called the student but it seems that person was not heard him
Hey brown hoodie i'm talking to you.

Jimin's pov:

I'm truly scared now.When this professor said he will call someone to solve the math on board.

Why the hell is he keep looking at me?After some time he called someone.I didn't dare to look at him.I kept my eyes on the book.
Again i heard him calling someone as "brown hoodie".I guess the person he is calling is wearing a brown colored hoodie today.I look around to see who it was.

Jimin:Yes tae what is it?(whispers back)
Tae:Mr.Min is calling you(tight-lipped smile)

I looked down at my dress.I guess i'm the one who is wearing brown today.Fvck my life.

And finally i look at him and notice the whole class were staring at me.I gulped and say,

Jimin:O-Oh!Haha m-me?(awkward laugh)
Yoongi:Yes you(cold voice)

Jimin went in front and take the marker from the table.

Jimin in mind:
Park Jimin focus you can do it.Yes you can do it.Let's show him you're not a dumb(smirk)

After 5 minutes Jimin solved the math.
And the answer is absolutely correct.

Yoongi was very impressed by that.Because he intentionally gave jimin the hard question.

Yoongi in mind:

Jimin:Sir done.Can i go now?

Yoongi:Yes.Ab- what's your name?

Jimin:Jimin.Park jimin.

Yoongi:Hmm you can go to you sit now.

The class continued.In this whole time yoongi and jimin made so many eye contacts.When the bell ringed yoongi gave jimin a final look who was smiling at tae and left the class.

He doesn't know why he wanted to see the smile again and again~

Hope you guys ignored the grammatical mistakes and enjoyed it.If you liked it,please vote and comment.

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