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Footprints throughout the snowy lands, cold cracks through the glass and freezing metal in town

The lights of a visor are seen, colored neon purple and showing an angry expression

This is Uzi the worker drone, she was on a mission, a mission to eliminate the threat, or in our words the disassembly drones on the planet

She looked at their base, made up of worker drone corpses, also called the corpses spiral

Uzi:"creepy..." She continued on into the building/base, stumbling over other workers and more before


She looked down, before being met by a broken visor with the words "Error: 404" on it

This struck a slight fear into her metallic heart, before resuming her way through

She grabbed a shining green core before the sound of wind being split apart was heard, she hid behind an old fridge, using a piece of glass to reflect what she's hiding from

It was a disassembly drone, tall in height, a male wearing a hat, but then other one's came as well, both shorter then the first and female

Each one noticing the shining light reflecting off the glass

Uzi threw the glass shard to distract them, before replacing a metal tube in her gun with the glowing core, before getting ready to shoot

But that didn't stop them from knocking the weapon out of her hands and into a pile of scrap metal

J:"what do we have here?~" she asked teasingly

V:"well this one seem to be lost eh?~" she continued

N:"come on guys, can we get this over with?"he said out of desperation and hopelessness

But suddenly a weird sound was heard outside of the base

J:"N go look and see what's going on out there, while we deal with this toster" he nodded before heading out "now where were-" she heard N suddenly shout

N:"J!, V!, look it's beautiful!" He said before dragging their asses out of the base with Uzi as well

He suddenly put them down
J:"N what's the meaning of this?!" She turned around, before astonishment took over her expression

Everyone watched as the sun and moon intertwined, overlapping one another as a beautiful sight is seen

A Solar eclipse

The beautiful sight didn't last long before a searing pain stroked there metallic skin... Skin?, will go with skin for now

Then suddenly everything went black...

The feeling of someone poking at Uzi woke her up, she grabbed the hand out of fear

But what she felt wasn't right, soft to the touch and smooth skin, this wasn't a drone, this was a human

He was tall, taller then her, green hair and forest green eyes, he wore a shirt with the words shirt on it and jeans on, he also wore a yellow backpack and crimson red shoes

She slap his hand away out of fear, after all what they did to her planet of course she would fear them

But the feeling of a warming aura caused her to calm down slowly

Izuku:"I'm sorry little one, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or scared" he picked her up, and in that moment she realized something

She was the size of a 10!?

Uzi:"what the hell did you do human?!" She said in anger and panic

Izuku looked at her weirdly before responding
Izuku:"I didn't do anything, I found you and your buddy's here in my backyard" he said, she was confused, she didn't have friends

She looked around, and saw all sorts of drones

There was Doll who was on his shoulder, a shorter drone with yellow visor and a maid outfit, there was the disassembly drones, and finally there was... Nori... Her mother

She was shocked, how did all these drones first become smaller, and second get here

Uzi:"I um wa- ugh!" She was very confused before taking a moment to process

"Processing information, provided by unknown human, please wait... ... ..."

The Eclipse Cause (Mha x murder Drones)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now