5: Eventful Morning

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Early in the morning, izuku and the drones sat in front of the TV, all watching the news from yesterday

On the TV it showed the, as they described "the accident" and discovery of the world enders

Izuku:"are they dumb enough to consider us the end of the world?" He looked over at them

Uzi:"well originally I wanted to end all humanity" Cyn nodded in agreement, before they were both picked up and put in a corner

Izuku:"bad, both of you are bad girls" he scolded them, but it only caused them to get a good look at his shirtless chest

Even if he was a robot, who ever said a drone can't find interest in such?

They blushed deeply as he continued to scold them, it took a moment before he realized they weren't paying attention

He gave up a while later, but that didn't stop them from hugging his metallic chest

Izuku:"Nori!, could you help me get them off?!" He yelled lightly, Nori looked at them before prying off Uzi, who makes a cute little angry face

Uzi:"Bite me!" She struggles against her mother, who held tightly onto her

Nori:"Uzi, you calm down this instant!" She grabbed a flipflop as a menacing aura surrounds her

Uzi stayed put out of fear

Nori grabbed a toolbox before heading his way, she pulled Cyn off, who was drooling, and started to fix Izuku's "injuries"

He had sat down, already expecting this to happen, after all Nori was made to help him out and be his friend

Izuku:"I still need to repay the goddess for making you sentient" he said remembering the payment "but that can wait, for now we need to have a little fun"

After Izuku was fixed, most of them got out to enjoy the lovely day outside

They all arrived at Nora's Shop before being met by a few hero's, like Bakugo, Jirou who wasn't not interested in arresting them, and Kirishima

They all entered the shop before being greeted by the red looking fridge

Nora:"welcome my favorite and most loyal shoppers of all!" She shouted in delight, seeing the state that izuku was in "looks like the cats out the bag, eh izuku?" She giggled afterwards, so sweet, so kind, so fake, after all it's to protect others from her weird and sadistic ways

Izuku:"yeah, but I only come for oil cans so these can eat and not go out and hunt the place for oil while I'm out" he pointed at the disassembly drones

The other shoppers including Bakugo and the others watch as he interacts with the shopkeeper

Nora:"oh such a sweet cup of tea you are~" she grabbed a few cans of oil before bagging them and handing them over "maybe we could see each other privately one day~" she spoke softly as one of her wires made a heart

He was unnerved by this before paying, he got a good discount for the items tho

She wrapped her wires around him as a hug before he left

Nora:"you have such a heart!~" he waved

He left shortly after, regreting his adventure to the shop

Uzi:"that was... Eventful I guess?" She stared at him, before hugging him in a obsessed way

Cyn and Doll did the same shortly after seeing her advancements with him

They all glanced at one another, all possessive with him, all being see by Nora who was inside of the shop, a red light glowing from her camera

Not long after that strange event, ixuku got home before being met by... N who was trying to make a simple dish of food and ended with him being called 'Smoke' N

He was covered with burn marks

Izuku:"what the absolute hell happened to you?" He put down the cans and served a few cups before handing one to each disassembly drone

N:"I umm was well?..." He didn't respond out of embarrassment

He handed a cup over to N before putting the cans away

Cyn:"nervous glance, shy smile, could I get a cup too?" He nodded before handing one over

Uzi and Doll were curious about what would oil taste like so they too asked to try a cup

And that's how their day went, pretty calm compared to the days the creator had while making this

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