13: Cutie Pie!

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Izuku sat on a bench, wine glass in hand as he sat right in front of Uzi

She blushed intensely as he had his other hand stretched out on hers

Both of them got up before she was picked up by him, bringing her into a passionate kiss before...

She woke up from her resting mode, blushing as she touched her lips, feeling a heating sensation from her chest

Uzi:"... What the FUCK?!" She panicked slightly before reassuring herself "it's ok, it's all a dream!... A very pleasant dream... I want more..." She eyes shined it's neon purple, feeling a need for him before regaining control " I need to keep calm and not worry about it, I'll deal with it later" she rolls over to get some sleep

She was being watched by Doll, who saw how she reacted to such unexpected event

Doll:'you still got competition, but it seems like you are giving up' she thought as she watched, before getting up from her side of the room and exiting, she walked through the  huge house looking for something

She stopped in front of a door, a faded sign on it shaped as All Mights hair with the name "Izuku" on it

She grabbed the handle, twisting it, before realizing that it was locked, in a little frustration she used her red colored Solver to unlock the door from the inside

The room was dark, ominous and menacing, but that all vanished when she saw him, laying on his bed fast asleep with Cyn on his chest

In slight jealousy she  got onto the bed before laying right next to him, cuddling up to him in his right arm

But she wasn't alone, she was followed by Uzi who caught a glance at her before she left, she too took her spot on the bed, sleeping on his left arm

Before long the night had ended, izuku woke up, feeling extra weight on his sides, he looked over to them, watching as they slept peacefully before taking all of them and putting them on his bed carefully

Izuku:"I cant catch a break eh?" He left the room

Meanwhile as they slept they accidentally cuddled up to each other, Cyn woke up first, taking her stop as the first in Izuku's lap

The others slept, dreaming some... Weird shit let's say, they both woke up in a weird position, both kissing each other

Uzi:"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" She panicked, slight anger in her eyes

Doll:"YOU WERE THE ONE KISSING ME SO YOU EXPLAIN?!" They both argued for a small while before calming down

Both blushing as they looked away from each other

Uzi:"... I'm just going to umm... go" she left the room before seeing izuku in the kitchen with Nori, cleaning as they went

She quickly grabbed his hand before dragging him away to the workshop

Izuku:"Uzi... Why?"

Uzi:"I wanted to tell you something..." She fiddled with her fingers before grabbing his shirt and bringing him into a kiss

The kiss was full of passion and love, maybe a little lust too, but that doesn't matter right now

Uzi:"I-i, I love you!" She shouted, hiding her blushing face from him with her hands

Izuku:"well... I did somewhat expect this, after all you really like to be by my side a lot, plus I'm already dating Cyn, why cant you join in eh?" He smiled before bringing her into a hug and a more in depth kiss, only separating for the feeling of air

Which doesn't make sense, but let's roll with it

Cyn:"giggle, seems like someone finally got to him" she smiled evil before darkness over took her visor "Glance, hurt him and I will gladly rip you apart" she nodded out of fear before taking on a look of courage

Suddenly a knock came from the door

"Pizza delivery!"

Izuku:"Pizza?, I didn't order a Pizza..." He went over to the door, looking through a hole before running over to them "GET DOWN!"

An explosion knocked the door off it's hinges, causing it to hit N who just had gotten up from his sleep

Outside stood heroes, from Endeavor to younger heroes like Kirishima, Endeavor being the leader of the raid

Endeavor:"Hands up where I can see them!" He shouted

Izuku stood in front of them, a good distance away, he put his hands up with his right being transformed into a EMP

Izuku:"and why would I?"

Endeavor:"Your under arrest for mass murder and attacking a pro hero and the kidnapping of Kyoka Jirou!"

A dark look in his eyes as the others appear behind him, V, N and J with X on their visors, as Cyn made flesh like limbs appear from her body, Uzi carried her sick as hell rail gun

An electric blast from the EMP caused most of the support items to malfunction

A fight was ensure... In the next chapter!

Found this and I really like it, also not mine so credit to their creator!

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Found this and I really like it, also not mine so credit to their creator!

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