9: Cyn-ister

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*Tick Tock*

The ticking of a clock causes Bakugo to suddenly wake up, he remembers what had happened, he was attacked by Nora, the lovely shopkeeper of their town

Cyn:"well what do we have here eh?" The Eldritch being looking at their prey, hunger and rage radiating off of her, her eyes pierced through his soul "so you not only decide to ignore the calls of help, but also before that destroyed the property of Nora's Shop and injure not only her but also the citizens inside, what a nasty display of humanities "best" hero" she expressed her disgust towards him

He grabbed her by the throat before being launched across the room by a conveniently placed giant claw

Cyn:"aww how cute, the dog wants to play, doesn't he?~" she mocks him "what does he want a treat?~"

He's angry, furious, yet he can't see the way to escape this pointless game

Bakugo:"what *cough* do you want from me?" He says, breathing intensely

Cyn:"such a simple request from you, yet it seems like you don't listen eh?" She pulls him from his foot before hanging him in front of herself "all I ask is you let go of this situation for once and let me handle the... discovery that you've found, and to not interrupt my time with my Dearest, sounds good?" He nods slowly out of pain "good" she throws him across the room again, a snap was heard on impact

He gasped for air, panicked and afraid

Bakugo:'i have to get away, this bitch is insane?!" He got up before being pinned to the ground

Cyn:"no, I won't lat you leave just yet~" Nori appeared, she shows her neon yellow eyes "be a dear and bring the sewing kit please, we wouldn't want anyone to rat us out after all~" Nori walked over hefore handing the kit over

Cyn looked through the box before her eyes widen

Cyn:"why does it not have needles!?" He was relieved to the out come "tell Uzi to get in here!" Nori's eyes changed to Purple before running off "while we wait might as well enjoy myself"

She grabbed him before taking a butcher's knife in hand, pointing it to his chest before moving it to the right to avoid most vital areas, slicing through the skin easily

He shouts out in pain, she took a blowtorch and carbonized the wound before repeating this again and again

Uzi walked though the door before watching the scene at display, a blush forming on her cheeks as she imagined... Something... Let's just say that

Cyn:"ah finally, you took your god damn time didn't you" she reached the needle before sewing shut Bakugo's mouth "that should keep you quiet for the meantime wouldn't you agree?" She nods in agreement before leaving the area "I don't want to see you here again, so leave" she left the are after releasing Bakugo

He graspped at his mouth, fear and panic on his face, before she sound of footsteps were heard, the sound of boots banging on the wooden floor

He leaves through the only exit, the window, which in turn was a bad idea

Izuku entered the room moments later with a clipboard and his notebooks with Doll on his shoulder as she glanced at what he was doing, ignore the rest of the world

Izuku:"Cyn where did you put my jar!" He looked around the room

Cyn:"left side top shelf!" She yelled back

Izuku:"which container!?" He walked over to the containers/cabinets that stored the notebooks, canned food and more

Cyn:"the purple one!" He searched before finding the cookie jar before offering one to Doll and Uzi who just appeared from the door

Izuku:"don't eat to many, they can get stuck in your body and won't come out later on" they nod before leaving as he stores the rest of them and taking on himself "oatmeal cookies are the best hands down, who agrees!" He looks... Towards... You

He leaves a moment later to continue what he was doing, humming the tone to a song unknown to those who heard it from a far

Uzi:"why are you humming a wedding's tune?!" Her question startled him, he grabbed his chest

Izuku:"oh gawd, Uzi don't scare me like that, you almost gave me a heart attack" she grabbed his hand before dragging him away

Uzi:"Cyn!, Doll!, V!, J!, izuku having a heart attack!" She dragged him away as he panicked

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