7: Stary Night

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Izuku sat on the porch of his house, watching the stars as they shine brightly, an empty smile on his face, before that smile turned to a menacing look

He turned to the side, embracing the terrifying presence, the overwhelming energy produced causes his smile to widen

Neon Yellow eyes stare at him, a giant loaming shadow over him, he looks at the creature before opening his arm into a hug like way

The creature revealed to be a giant centipede like creature supported by the many arms leached onto the floor

Solver:"you brought me here, and I can't resist to ask, why did you accept after all the warnings given?" He looked back to the stars as he was wrapped into a hug like embrace before responding

Izuku:"I was desperate and you took the opportunity to take a chance" he smiled lovingly

He remembers that one day, the day of the incident, to bring life without two, but one, the day he understood everything


He placed the empty body's of both drones, he had hopped for a friend, but he got something better

Izuku:"i think I misunderstood something..." He was injured and in pain, he wore a fancy suit with a letter in his hand

"Dear Izuku Midoriya, you are invited to take part in a ceremony known as you humans put it as a wedding... Or was it called something else?
You are needed to take two vessels as a gift.
Sincerely Amber" on the back was the address, which was in the middle of fucking nowhere?!

He was really excited as he had just a limited amount of time to continue his life after an accident... Not really an accident

His face was littered with scars and wounds half of which was completely scarred and unrecognizable, after his encounter with Bakugo be was tortured by the bites that he's caused

He was beaten, and forced to drink a mysterious liquid that was on his desk

He was a man of science, believing that he could resolve everything with such tools, but after the encounter with his main enemy, he turned to a darker past, he was desperate to live the rest of his life, and that's when he got the invitation

He later found a strange looking building, it looked like a church but in ruins

Suddenly a giant claw grabbed the drones and him before taking him deep underground, into a chamber with flesh like walls and corpses

A sweet but sickening voice rang out as a presence made itself known

"Well, well, well, looks like you found my invitation~" her cheerful voice caused him to shiver in slight fear "you've suffered so long, wouldn't you like to take charge for once?" She offered her hand before he got a good look at her

Pale skin, void like eyes with just a small yellow colored X on it, her attention trained on him with so much focus

Izuku:"I... What are... you?" She put her hand to her heart before gasping

"You know it's rude to ask that type of question to a lady?" She smiled teasingly, sharp teeth shining through

Izuku:"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you" he apologized

"She sent you the invitation before I took over her body, I asked her to specifically get you, after all your the only one that can make me a permanent body instead of this useless pile of flesh that decays over time" she showed him the black spots on the body as it grows slowly

Izuku nodded before introducing both drones

"This is perfect!, your so sweet to bring me such an amazing gift!' she hugged him before taking control of the smaller drone of the two "giggle, I look so cute!, Confused, why do i talk like that?" She was very confused

Izuku:"i wasn't completely finished with this model, it's just a prototype of the on next to that one" he pointed to the purple haired drone

Solver:"shrug, that doesn't matter anymore, I can finally have a permanent body instead of moving from one to another" she hoops from one spot to the other cutely.

And that's how we met, after that I had made a body for myself and with the help of the Solver I could transfer my mind

That was until I lost her to the company that hired me, after they deemed me useless and took my drones I sat at home, before months later took them down with evidence of them and there crimes

*End of Flashback*

Izuku:"and after everything you still act like we don't know each other" he pats her side while she's wrapped around him both watching the stars "maybe things will be better" he smiles sweetly

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