6: Mysteries

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With each passing second Bakugo's frustration slowly rises as he looks around a scattered room

Papers on the floor and walls as he searched, empty results and empty hope for the truth

But in all papers there was one thing in common, a symbol of sorts

A hexagon with three sprouts coming from its sides with writing on the bottom

"Absolute Solver" more writing on it continued
"Eldritch goddess" "vessel to use" "hatred to fill the being" "love?" There rest was in a bindery type of language and other that looks like chicken scratch

He looked on with confusion before continuing to search, most of the papers have this Solver symbol on it

He continued and continued, but all that he met with was a few other papers and a offline computer with the JCJenson

He grabbed the device and plugged it into the outlet in what used to be izuku's room

"Welcome user" was written on the screen before a password was needed

Bakugo:"why can't things be so simple?!" He whispered in frustration, he was after all in a prohibited area of the buildings agency

He looked around a little more before finding a card

Name: Izuku Midoriya
Age: non registered
Employee level: supervisor and manager

It also had the symbol of the Solver drawn on ithe when to the computer before putting "Solver" as the password

He searched the computer before his face reflected disgust and regret, and rage took over
He left the room

On the computer there was blueprints and a message with a person called Cyn as the registrated person

A picture of Cyn and izuku as the profile picture to his messager

After he left the computer sprouted metallic like limbs before escaping through the window

Meanwhile with izuku and the rest, he was standing behind Uzi as he showed her how to draw and paint, so far it's been a mess and Nori is busy cleaning the mess

V is seen looking off out in space, just watching the TV as J tries to get her attention, turning on the TV causes V to become destracted and lost in thought

Cyn on the other hand was no where to be seen and causing them to become worried and suspicious

Izuku:"calm down, take it easy and steady, if you can't do that then how will it look, a drawing and painting represent your mentality and your emotional state" he patted her head

Uzi out of frustration threw her notebook and nailed N on the head as he read an animal book

She turned around quickly before digging her face into his chest as he strokes her head to calm her down

N:"why?!" He yelled, and was ignored by the rest

Uzi:"I can't do it, it's to frustrating!" She buried her face further into his chest, blushing by the close proximity they have

She was later pulled off by Doll who sat on his lap, before taking his face and kissing him on the cheek, she blushed intensely as her red eyes turned to hearts

Uzi pushed her off before taking advantage of the situation to take a quick kiss from him too before they were both picked up and put in the time out corner by Nori

Nori:"leave him alone!" She continued to clean the mess afterwards

Izuku:"I'm just going to... Umm" he exits the house as the drones watch as he does

Meanwhile Bakugo is seen running towards Nora's Shop, expecting Izuku to be there but he was met by an upset Nora

Nora:"what are you doing here?!" He shouts frustrated by all the destruction that lays before her

Her shop was completely trashed as she tried to clean the mess, but to no success

Bakugo:"what do you mean?!" He yelled, she grabbed onto his body with her wires before slamming him into the walls

Nora:"how could you do this you dirty traitor, you destroyed my shop and now have the audacity to come and plead for forgiveness?!" She shouts out in anger

He suddenly remembered what happened, he had walk away from them as people robbed the place, he was so distracted that he couldn't help her at all, and all that at the cost of her job and her "life" as izuku would put it

Bakugo:"I'm sorry ok?!, I didn't mean to ignore your crys for help or the robbery!" He was scared

After all who wouldn't, she's a military grade robot with the power to survive a nuclear bomb

Nora:"you ain't worth my time right now?!" She threw him out the destroyed door before taking an axe and throwing it after him, which hit right below his nether region in between his legs

He took a gasp of air out of fear before relaxing

Nora:"if I ever see you again, you won't have anything to make you what you are anymore~" she started to fix up the place before anything else happens

Everything was seen by izuku who lurks in the shadows, watching, whispering, listening

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