17. Facilities

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Izuku stands over viewing the construction of Drones and the making of new bodies for the heroes killed in the battle

Cyn stands next to him smiling a plain smile, not very content with the heroes but still there to supervise

Izuku:"production was reduced by 20%, seems like making the bodies was too complicated and needed more machines to do so" he rubs his chin

Cyn:"we could just... Not do it" she smiled evilly

Izuku:"but if that happens then will be not only attacked by heroes but also be hunted down and/or worse" he looks back to the production area

They later head for stairs to their right before exiting through the basement doors

Being met with Uzi who had her pill baby on a high chair as she cooks something

Nori is cleaning the house as V and J sat in front of the TV watching a movie while eating batteries, N sat with a second Cyn?... While reading a book about animals, a bit of frosting on his visor from the cupcakes next to him

Izuku facepalms as he looked at N mess before going over to Uzi

Izuku:"you haven't been causing your mother trouble now are you?" He picked the baby up, she giggled in delight from seeing him and joy from the interactions they have

He put her down before she started to cry, tears being released

Izuku:"why are you crying?, I'm just checking on your mother" he picked her up before heading over to Uzi

Uzi:"what do you need dear?" She had grown slightly taller, she cooks breakfast for them before putting all the them and on the table for them to enjoy

Izuku:"just curious what you were doing, also have you grown?" She shrugged taking bites out of her food and feeding little Kira

The rest joined in to enjoy the meal that Uzi had made

Cyn:"giggle, it seems like after having you little one you seem more mature and maternal to everything" she pointed out with everyone except Uzi agreeing

Uzi:"Bite me!" She was bitten by Cyn a moment later "not like that!" She held her arm in slight pain while glancing at her

Cyn:"what's what you get!" She mocked her

Uzi grabbed izuku by the shirt before burying her face there, tearing up slightly "leave me alone!"

Izuku picked her and and Kira before leaving and returning a moment later

Izuku:"she's still sensitive from all the things that happened" he sits down before finishing his food that he left "well now down to business" he leaves "I'll be back by six and dont antagonize Uzi please, she's just stressed"

He walks down through the fixed up roads before riding a train to UA, being met by Nezu and what's left of class A and Jirou who was taking glances at him with a not so hidden Blush

Izuku:"it's good to be back" he breaths before punching Bakugo where the sun don't shine "that's for almost killing me" he again punches him, same spot "that's for hurting my family" and Again "And that was for the sake of doing it!"

Bakugo falls face first into the ground, getting a mouth full of dirt and concrete

Class A/Jirou:"now apologies for the attack!" They all yelled except for Jirou

Jirou:'im surrounded by idiots' she thought to herself as she rubs her eyes


Silence filled out the every inch of the area before all of them yelled

Class A:"what do you mean no?!"

Izuku:"y'all and other heroes destroyed my home, attack us and aggravated me" he crossed his arms before turning to Jirou "also sorry about the body, you were trespassing territory and that's against the law, even if I did take action, and only after being attacked"

She nodded to his works, staying silent and thanking him

Jirou:"I'm thankful for the new body, my old one was... Weaker let's say" she looked away

Nezu walked through the doors being met with the chaos that they are

Nezu:"welcome Mr Midoriya, I wanted you here because we needed a teacher for analytics and research into robotics!" He handed him a little paper contract

Izuku:"if I accept, I want to make something incredible, with no interruptions and with additional resources" he suddenly remembered something "and I want my future children to come and study here in UA"

Nezu thought for a moment before replying "that can all be fixed, and I'll see what I can do, do we have a deal?" He nodded before they both shook hands

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