15. Blooming

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She took her stance in front of all three of them, broken and destroyed drones picked themselves up from the ground, they were everywhere

Denki:"don't worry guys I'm taking care of them!" He shot out an electric attack at them, expecting the drones to go offline

Cyn:"giggle, nice try, but these aren't normal drones, these are Zombie Drones, killed off Drones and reanimated with damaged AI, they don't care about the electricity, they become my vessels"

One of her claws grabbed at him, holding him up in the air before driving electrical wires into his eyes before turning up the output

Cyn:"Stab, you were designed to be a moran, an idiot at display, and even if you could absorb the output, from what I know everything has a limit, even quirks"

She let's him go, what was left was a smoking hot crispy burned body

Cyn:"and now the last ones" she swung her claws at then

Dodging the sudden attacks, waiting for an opportunity or some type of counter they could use

Cameras appeared around the battlefield, each one hidden from them, holograms were made, high quality and un-recognizable

Kirishima:"guys! Come one we can do this!" He ran at them with a small team still standing

Bakugo:"I CAN TAKE YOU ONE, YOUR JUST WEAK COMPARED TO ME!" He rat at her, attacking any appendage that gets too close

Her attacks becoming more rapid and chaotic, not caring anymore for the casualties

Aizawa:"behind you!" He ran at kirishima, trying to push him out of the way of a claw swipe

But he fell right through the hologram and then

Blood splatter onto the concrete, as he bleeds out from his open wound, a fatal wound caused by the claw

Cyn:"I didn't expect you to fall for such a prank, you big stupid!" She mocked them "but your useful so I'm keeping you alive" she took N's arm and used it to carbonize the wound shut

Suddenly someone shouted out at them

Nezu:"maybe we can negotiate!" He stood on the shoulders of a deflated All Might

Cyn:"and what would you have that I would want?" He stood there silent "looks like this isn't an-" she was cut off

Nezu:"what about this?" A USB was offered

Cyn:"what what would this be?"

Nezu:"an empty USB"

Cyn:"and how would that" she pointed at it " serve me a purpose?"

Nexu:"I looked through this one" showing another USB with the files and videos "and found out how you drones, well have children, and if I didn't know any better the only store delling these was destroyed in a robbery am I right?"

She nodded slowly, she reached out for it, holding it in between her claws, admiring it

Cyn:"well... Let me discuss this with him then" she  walked over to izuku, slowly transforming back to her original form

He was glitching and twitching, bending and folding, being held up by Uzi

Izuku:"what d-did you do n-now?"

Cyn:"giggle, we ended the fighting over a negotiation" she showed him a USB "empty one, but you know what we might want" a look of terror and fear roared through

Izuku:"you didn't, right?"

Cyn:"evil smile, yes I did" he shudders in fear

Izuku:'im not ready for this!' as he thought of this Uzi on the other hand looked at this in curiosity

She didn't know what she meant but if it benefits them then she'll accept it

Cyn:"Uzi be a dear an bring me the empty pill baby in the prototype box in Izuku's room please?" She nodded before leaving to the destroyed house

She looked around, finding not much before stumbling into the room, and finding the box, she looked in, finding a lot of empty pill babies,

Uzi:"what would she want all of these for?" Let's just say she doesn't know how a drones is made except the old fashioned way of constructing one

She brought them over to her before leaving it next to them

Cyn:"giggle, I've already wanted to do this" she grabbed Uzi before inserting the USB

Uzi:"what are you doing?!" She tried to take the USB out but she couldn't, she felt weak and tired

Cyn grabbed it before inserting it into izuku's import

Izuku:"why her?"

Cyn:"I needed to test it works before trying it on myself" she took it before inporting it into the pill baby

Their visor lights up with a lavender colored eyes as it cries

Cyn over joyed and with excitement takes the child and puts it in Uzi's hands

Cyn:"theirs your child now, and I wanted to test it because im a damaged AI and Izuku isn't really a drone so that proves that he can have children with drones!"

This was all being seen by the remaining heros as they watched this in confusion...

Till the next chapter

To be honest I didn't know what to do in this chapter but I worked it out a while later after watching a whole theory video so it all worked out in the end.

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