10: Investigation

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Night roars the sky as stars break through the dark shade of black

Pointless dreams take over peoples minds, inspiration, motivation, or such a sinister light

Heroes fight villains in this night, as others talk about such things too

In a white room, a curved table with heroes from all over Japan sit, discussing valuable information

Nezu a chimera, not a dog, mouse, or a bear, he was at the head of the table

Nezu:"so what are the specifics about this... Deadly creature?" He took a sip of tea

Bakugo:"after the events of my capturing a few days ago this... giant creature, was like a centipede with the upper body of a small robot" he represents an image of the symbol of the Solver "this was on that things screen"

Nezu:"where did you get this...?" He grabbed the image, silence rolled over the room, no one spoke a word

Bakugo:"I got it from izuku's room" Nezu looked over to Aizawa

Aizawa:"you entered the restricted area!?" He yelled out in anger "you know everyone is not allowed to enter, yet you still went in?!" He nodded slowly

Jirou:"I'm still wondering why we're not allowed" He turned to her before grabbing a pencil and paper

Aizawa:"it's the area that izuku used to experiment in while studying to become a hero" he looked down with a slight guilt in his eyes "he disappeared after some weird discovery"

Nezu:"his last known whereabouts was in the middle of nowhere, somewhere no one would look" he grabbed a digital map "the abandoned lab called Silver-3 or S-3 for idiots"

Uraraka:"if we want answers then we must go there, he must have found something there" they all nodded

Nezu:"this meeting is dismissed then, find his last known whereabouts before he became what he is today" he resumes taking this time to drink his favorite beverage

Bakugo, Jirou and Uraraka were tasked with finding the cause of izuku disappearance and his weird change

They spent day and night, traveling to Silver-3, enjoying their time while doing so, until...

Jirou:"finally, that took so long, sitting on a plane is exciting until you get bored of the view" she felt tired, sleepy even, but this effort all goes to finding out what happened to her cru- best friend!, Best friend

I feel her glance at me... Ignore me please

Uraraka:"here we are" she turns her head over to the building

The top left corner of the building was destroyed, and truly it looked like a Church

Uraraka:"so... Who wants to go first...?" The feeling of dread washed over them as they shiver in fear and coldness

Bakugo grabbed a flashlight before taking the first step in

The doors creek, the hinges scrape the wood, causing a terrible sound

A giant hole in the middle of the building, a weird viscus substance on the floor colored a bloody red

They all look around before finding a drone with a loading screen, they were holding a crucifix, golden in color and made of metal, on the other hand was a USB with a small label with Izuku's name on it

They took both before continuing to look around

Jirou:"this place is... creepy" suddenly a hand grabbed her foot "AHH!" She screamed, the hand being of a corpse, the green hair indicating it was... Izuku's old body

They all looked at the body, he was missing his eyes and heart

Both girls teared up, while Bakugo looked away disgust by the appearance of the body

Suddenly the sound of tapping was heard, they all hid behind the benches

A heart crawled out from the hole, a knife in "hand", the solver carrying the object of uses, green in color

The heart scurried its way to the panel

Heartbeat:"hmm, Cyn might like this one!" He "carried" a book filled with cat pictures with a title of "101 cat pictures"

Bakugo got out of his hiding spot with his hand in the position for a AP shot "stop right there!"

The heart turned around slowly before seeing him

Heartbeat:"well, well, well if it isn't Bakugo, such a disappointing timing, you came at the wrong moment, but what can be done, I was expecting you after all" the heart said smugly

Jirou:"he said stay there!" She connected her earphones into the speakers on her boots ready for a fight

Heartbeat:"oh!, you brought guests, how delightful, I can wait to see what she would say to This, eh?" He rapidly approached the corpses of izuku before entering the chest

Energy flowed out of the heart and into the body, causing it to suddenly move and get up

Heartbeat:"let's see how you would match with theses!, hahaha!" He laughed sinisterly

The disabled drones suddenly wake up, all with green eyes, the same color as the light from the micanical heart

Bakugo takes a shot from the drones, each one carrying some type of weapon

Bakugo:"IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!" he yelled excited and slightly worried

One after another, drones were destroyed as they fought against them

The body of izuku suddenly rushed at them, a knife in hand, he plunged his weapon into Bakugo's chest, reopening wound

Uraraka:"we need to get out!, theirs to many of them!" She grabbed both of them before propelling herself with them in hand out of the building

But one slip up came, a knife flys at them, embedding itself into her left arm causing her to drop Jirou

She was caught by the pile of drones following them before returning with Jirou to the Heartbeat

The heart got out of the body before making it's way towards her

Heartbeat:" don't worry dear, I couldn't kill such a kind soul, after all you did help him the most" his hand stroked her cheek

Meanwhile Bakugo and Uraraka were panicking, more Uraraka then Bakugo but that didn't matter

Uraraka:"we need to go back!"

Bakugo:"we can't, what will that... Thing do if we did eh?!"

Uraraka:"but-" she was cut off by him

Bakugo:"that doesn't matter right now, what matter is this!" He showed the USB "this can tell us what happened and how to fix it!" She nodded holding her arm with a guilty look on her face

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