Year 5: Mojo Pin

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As the days passed, James threw himself into his pursuit of Lily with all the enthusiasm of a man possessed. He showered her with compliments, performed impressive feats of magic, and even attempted to serenade her with a love song he'd composed himself.

But despite his best efforts, Lily remained unimpressed, her rejection stinging like a slap to the face. Dejected and humiliated, James retreated to the Gryffindor common room, nursing his wounded pride as Sirius and Remus looked on with a mixture of sympathy and amusement.

"Well, that went well," Sirius remarked dryly, earning a chuckle from Remus.

James scowled, his frustration boiling over.

"It's not funny, Sirius," he snapped, his tone sharper than intended. "I really thought this was the year she'd finally see me as more than just a friend."

Sirius sobered, his expression softening with genuine concern.

"Hey, mate, don't beat yourself up about it," he said gently. "Not everyone can resist your irresistible charm."

James rolled his eye but couldn't help but crack a smile at Sirius's attempt at humor. Despite his disappointment, he knew he could always count on his friends to lift his spirits.

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