Year 6: If You Knew

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A few weeks into the new school year, and James still felt like shit.

Despite his best efforts to mend the fractures in his relationships, James found himself met with coldness and indifference at every turn.

Regulus's once warm demeanor had turned icy, and James felt like he was tiptoeing around a stranger.

During class, James had the urge to confront Regulus and managed to listen to himself. James couldn't hold back the frustration bubbling inside him.

"Regulus," he began, his voice tinged with desperation. "I don't understand why you're avoiding me."

James felt stupid at this point. Couldn't Regulus see that he needed him back, no matter what?

Regulus's gaze hardened, his expression guarded. "You know exactly what you did, Potter," he replied curtly, his tone laced with bitterness.

James felt a pang of guilt at Regulus's words, the weight of his mistakes crushing him. He knew that he had hurt the person he loved, but he couldn't find the words to make things right.

As the day went on, James found himself lost in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He longed to mend his fractured relationship Regulus, but he feared that it might already be too late.

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