Year 6: Witches' Rave

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Three weeks had passed since James's failed attempt to patch things up with Regulus, and his apology to Lily.

The Gryffindor common room buzzed with the energy of students preparing for the upcoming exams. The Marauders had found a comfortable spot by the fireplace, their laughter filling the air as they reminisced about their latest misadventures.

Sirius lounged on one of the squashy armchairs as he regaled his friends with tales of his latest prank on Professor Flitwick. Remus sat nearby, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he listened to Sirius's words.

"Remember when we turned Snape's hair red and gold during Potions class?" Sirius chuckled, nudging Remus playfully.

Remus laughed, shaking his head at the memory.

"How could I forget? The look on Snape's face was priceless."

James and Peter sat opposite each other on the worn-out sofa, their conversation drifting from topic to topic as they caught up on each other's lives.

"Snape's always up to something, isn't he?" James remarked, a wistful note creeping into his voice.

Peter nodded, a sympathetic look in his eyes.

"Yeah, he's a real piece of work," he agreed, though he couldn't help but notice the hint of sadness in James's tone.

As the evening wore on, the Marauders found themselves engrossed in a lively debate about the upcoming Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

James, ever the passionate Quidditch enthusiast, argued passionately in favor of his house team, while Sirius and Remus exchanged knowing glances, their hands occasionally brushing against each other as they spoke.

James glanced over at Remus and Sirius, a pang of envy tugging at his heart as he watched their easy camaraderie. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of longing for the kind of connection they shared, a connection he feared he had lost with Regulus.

He couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing, a void in his heart that he didn't know how to fill.


A few hours later, and it was night. Soon, James reached his bed, his thoughts still lingering on the one boy he couldn't seem to forget.

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