Year 6 Prolouge: I Want Someone Badly

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The once bustling corridors of Hogwarts now felt hollow as James Potter navigated his way through them. The weight of strained relationships hung heavy on his shoulders, burdening him with a sense of desolation.

Regulus Black, once a close friend, now seemed like a distant memory. Their bond had shattered, leaving James feeling like he had lost a part of himself.

Lily Evans, the girl who had captured his heart, remained steadfast in her rejection. Her presence served as a constant reminder of his past mistakes and failed attempts at winning her over.

As James entered the Gryffindor common room, he was met with the concerned gaze of Sirius Black, his loyal friend. Sirius could sense the turmoil brewing within James, and he vowed to stand by him through thick and thin, even if he didn't know what was going on.

The two friends settled into their usual spot by the fireplace, the crackling flames providing a semblance of warmth in the cold atmosphere. James couldn't help but feel grateful for Sirius's unwavering support, even in the darkest of times.

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