Episode 5: Wildfire

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The Quarry--Base Camp

The very next morning after what happened last night, Ethan is on a hill, trying to contact Morgan on his walkie-talkie.

Ethan: Morgan, I don't know if you're out there. I don't know if you can hear me. Maybe you're listening right now. I hope so. I found others-- my family, if you can believe it. My girlfriend and little brother, they're alive. I wanted you to know that. There's something else you need to know. Atlanta isn't what we thought. It's not what they promised. The city is-- do not enter the city. It belongs to the dead now. We're camped a few miles northwest, up by a big abandoned rock quarry. You can see it on a map. I hope you come find us. But be careful. Last night, some things, whatever they were, came out of the woods. We lost people. Watch yourself, Morgan. Take care of your boy. I'll try you again tomorrow at dawn.

A few minutes later, Ethan goes back to the others as Jayden, Mia, Rick, Shane, and Lori look at Andrea, who was still by her sister's dead body while Daryl, L.J., Glenn, T-Dog, Jim, and Morales take care of the people the were killed and the Hunters by piercing them into their heads with a pickaxes and axes as they burn the Hunters.

Ethan: She still won't move?

Mia: She won't even talk to us. She's been there all night.

Lori: What do we do?

Shane: Can't just leave Amy like that. We need to deal with it the same as the others.

Ethan: I'll tell her how it is.

Ethan walks over to Andrea.

Ethan: Andrea.

Suddenly, Andrea pulls out her gun and aims it at Ethan.

Andrea: I know how the safety works.

Ethan: All right. Okay. I'm sorry.

Ethan backs away as Andrea puts away her gun and turns back to her sister.

A few minutes later, Daryl starts fussing because of Andrea.

Daryl: Y'all can't be serious. Let that girl hamstring us? The dead girl's a time bomb.

Rick: What do you suggest?

Daryl: Take the shot. Clean, in the brain from here. Hell, I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance.

Ethan: No. For God's sake, let her be.

Daryl scoffs as he walks off and continues back to work. Daryl helps L.J. carry a dead person to the fire.

Glenn: What are you guys doing? This is for those creatures. Our people go over there.

Daryl: What's the difference? They're all infected.

Glenn: Our people go in that row over there. WE DON'T BURN THEM! We bury them. Understand?

L.J. nods his head as he understood as L.J. and Daryl drag the body over to where they dead people are.

Daryl: You reap what you sow.

L.J.: You know what? Shut up, man.

Daryl: Y'all left my brother FOR DEAD. YOU HAD THIS COMING.

Daryl walks away as L.J. walks over to Glenn and T-Dog.


Everyone turns to Jacqui as she told them that one of those things bit Jim.

Jim: I'm okay. I'm okay.

Daryl: Show it to us. Show it to us.

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