Episode 6: Secrets

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Hershel's Farm-- Chicken Coop

At the chicken coop of Hershel's farm, Dylan, who was now awake and finally moving again, was with Mia, Lori, and Carl as they were feeding the chickens. Dylan notices Mia being worried.

Dylan: Don't look so worried.

Mia: It's my job.

Dylan: No, it's not. You're a housewife.

Carl starts laughing as Lori holds back her laugh.

Mia: Yeah, punk?

Mia playfully throws some chicken food at Dylan as she continued.

Mia: You see my house around here? A housewife.

Dylan throws more chicken food for the baby chickens, which Dylan realizes something is wrong.

Dylan: They don't have a mother.

Mia: She might be somewhere else.

Dylan: Maybe she got eaten.

Mia just looks at Dylan after he said that as Dylan told her.

Dylan: Everything is food for something else.

Mia doesn't respond as she continues feeding the chickens.

Hershel's Farm-- Ethan's Basecamp

Back at the campsite, Jayden was looking through the binoculars and was looking at the barn. After learning that Hershel had kept a barn full of walkers and not telling Ethan and the others, Jayden was not sure if he should tell Ethan and the others or not because Maggie begged him not to tell them. Jayden kept looking as he doesn't see Maggie walking over to him with a basket of fruit.

Maggie: Could you be more obvious?

Jayden puts down the binoculars and Maggie puts the basket of fruit by his leg.

Maggie: Here, enjoy.

Jayden: Are you trying to buy my silence with fruit?

Maggie: Of course not. There's also jerky.

Jayden: Will you please tell me why your Dad has a secret barn full of walkers? It's creepy and dangerous to keep.

Maggie: Shh.

Jayden: You know that, right?

Maggie: Shh. Just trust me on this, okay?

Jayden: Maggie, I suck at lying. I can't even play poker. It's too much like lying.

Maggie: You have to keep this to yourself. You have to. Please.

Maggie doesn't say anything else as she walks away. Jayden walks over to Dale and Glenn as they are setting up the RVs side shade.

Jayden: Dale, here's some peaches for you.

Dale: Mm, thank you.

Dale takes one peach and walks over to Glenn.

Glenn: Can I tell you something?

Jayden: What's up?

Glenn: It's just... Every time I talk to Samantha, she blushes at me every time and she thinks I'm not seeing it. I think Samantha likes me for some reason or the other way around.

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