Episode 3: Save the Last One

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Hershel's Farm--Farmhouse

Back on Hershel's farm, it was already dark out and Ethan and the others were waiting patiently on Shane and Otis to return with the stuff to save Dylan. Ethan and Mia were in the room with Dylan with Rick and Lori there as well with Rick telling Lori a story of Shane.

Rick: Lori, did you... I mean, it was legendary. Did you ever hear about the time Shane stole Kingsley's car?

Lori: Yeah.

Rick: The principal's car right out of the teacher's lot in the middle of a school day. Shane steps out of lunch and makes a beeline for Kingsley's Hyundai... Wires the ignition, peels out, drives down Dylan Drive to that chicken farm out there. You've heard this before, right? So he pulls it into one of the big holding pens. Kingsley, he waxed that thing every month; has the auto shop vacuum it out every week. Shane, he parks it in this huge pen with a couple of hundred Rhode Island reds. He busts open bags of seed in the back seat, rolls down all the windows, and then starts sprinting back to school. It's three miles away easy. He's back in time to finish his sandwich before the bell. And then the bell rings. Shane gets up and when he runs into Kingsley in the hallway, he looks out the window and says, "Principal Kingsley, your coupe's gone." Coupe, like chicken coop.

Lori: I get it.

Rick: Of course you do. You've heard this story 1000 times.

Ethan: Mia, what you said before, you're right. Shane's gonna make it back with what the doctor needs. He'll make it back.

Mia: Hershel said you need to eat.

Ethan: Dylan's gonna be all right.

Mia turns to Ethan with red eyes from crying.

Mia: Please, for me. You've got to keep your strength up.

Ethan lightly nods his head as he grabs his plate that had a sandwich on it and starts eating it.

Meanwhile on the porch of the farmhouse, Jayden was still outside as he put both his arms against that railing and he looked down, not noticing Maggie behind him as she was sitting on a rocking chair by the window.

Maggie: What are you thinking about?

Jayden lightly jumps as he turns around and sees that it was Maggie. Jayden lightly chuckles as he walks over to her and sits on the other chair by her as he puts both his arms on his knees while looking down.

Jayden: I've just been thinking of the days before everything went to hell. I've been thinking about mine and Ethan's days in college. The days when Ethan and I were kids and we used play together. Those were some good times and great memories back then. But then Ethan got shot and then days later, Raccoon City went to hell, but I got out with Mia and Dylan and then months later, the whole world became Raccoon City revisited. I spent weeks thinking my best friend, who was like a brother to me, had died in Raccoon City. So I had to step up, and protect Dylan and Mia from this shit world that we now got.

Maggie sat beside him as she saw he sister Samantha sitting on the floor by him as they listen to his thoughts out loud.

Jayden: But my best friend wasn't dead, he found us, but somehow Dylan ends up getting shot. I feel like that's my fault that I didn't look after him well.

Maggie: It wasn't your fault, you couldn't have known this was gonna happen.

Jayden: Dylan gets shot. Sophia is out there alone and scared and once again, I feel like it's my fault again. Dylan, Carl, and Sophia are just kids. This shouldn't be their lives.

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