12 - The Cell, The Escape and Taken

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Mary's pov

'Mother' cora and Sam whine. I don't know how many days we have been in this cell. I remember us coming from the ball as Cora told me that Cinders was there. On arriving home I found she was still in the cage. 'were you at the ball' I shout at her 'nnoo no master'  she replies quietly , I reaching for a key walking to the cage unlocking it dragging her out. 'don't lie to me cinders, we know you were there' I snap at her 'The Prince was going to dance with us and you ruined it' Cora. 'You are a useless piece of skum.' I snap at her.

I begin kicking and hitting her before Cora and Sam joins in. 'You took the Prince away from me' Cora cries 'he was going to dance with me, where did you get your dress anyway' she cries. 'Just wait till Enzo gets here' I snarl at her kicking her hard in the ribs. 'Please stop, I'll be good master. I promise' cinders begs. Grabbing her by her hair I lift her up 'beg all you want, it ain't going to help you' I say before dropping her to the floor before kicking her again.

'hands up' a deep voice behind us say. We all try to run but we can't escape as the doors blocked by 6 men. 'You are all under arrest' we all get hand cuffed before being dragged out of the room. 'I will get you Cinders!' I scream at her as we are removed from the room.

Sam and Cora are thrown into the back of vans before I am too. Hitting the floor hard I black out. Waking up I find I'm in a cell in just a large shirt. 'Where am I?' I shout 'do you know who I am?' I shout again. 'MOTHER!!!' I hear Cora and Sam shout 'where are we?' They scream.

Back to now. Cora and Sam are in the cells beside me, they are also in shirts. We get some food, that's if you call it food. No one comes down here except a guard. There's a small window to outside. Enzo was due to come to ours after the ball, for his time with Cinders.

Enzos pov

The floor which Prince Sebastian stays on now has a door to it so I can't get in, I'm having to stay on one of the other floors. I leave the Palace as I'm due to visit my cousin Mary and her daughters but also Cinders, oh I look forward to my time with her.

Walking up to the house it seems quiet, too quiet. 'MARY' I call out as I enter the house. Looking round I see no sign of her or the girls, heading downstairs to where Cinders is kept the door to her cage is open. Thinking they had gone out I head back to the Palace.

'Enzo' I turn to see Mary looking through the small window basement where the cells are. 'Mary what are you doing in there?' I ask quietly. 'They arrested us' she replies, 'Where's Cinders?' I ask 'probably with the prince' cora says 'cora? Your here too?' I ask 'hey! What about me' Sam snaps. 'Stop arguing. I'll try to get you out' I say. 'I've heard them say they will take us to court or trial' Mary cries. 'I'll try to get you out, I'll see if Cinders is here and I'll get her out too' I say.

Heading back inside I see Cinders entering the kitchen, heading down to the cell I knock out the guards on patrol taking the keys to their cells. 'Go home and I'll meet you there' I tell them 'what about Cinders?' Mary asks 'I'll get her' I smirk. Mary, cora and Sam all run out of the cells and away from the Palace.

Heading into the kitchen I grab a bag. Seeing Cinders I quietly creep over to her pulling the bag over her head, hitting her hard so she goes unconscious. 'Time to go home little one' I say dragging her out to the car I had rented.

'Got her' I say as I drag her inside. 'In the cage?' I ask 'yes! Make sure she's secured' Mary says.

Rose's pov.

Ugh my head, I slowly open my eyes to see I'm back in the cage. 'Nice to see your awake little one' lifting my head I see Enzo. 'You thought you could escape huh? Just wait until Mary gets home' he snarls.

'Well well well' I hear Mary enter the room with Cora and Sam behind her, 'you thought you were really Cinderella and that the one dance with the Prince would mean you'd marry him' she snigger 'he wouldn't want to be seen with a worthless piece of trash like you. He will be marrying Cora' she says 'LIER' I shout 'shut it cinders' cora shouts 'the Prince is mine and there's nothing you can do about it' she adds.

'Now, we will let you out but you have your chores.' Mary says 'never' I snap at her. Mary moves her hand into the cage hitting me. 'You will do as your told Scum!' She shouts. I watch as Enzo walks close with chains and what looks like a collar. Opening the cage Enzo drags me out attaching the collar round my neck. I tried to run but got shocked, 'so you thought you would try and run' Mary laughs 'this is no ordinary collar, any mistake and you'd get this' she says sending shocks through the collar causing me to fall to the floor. I feel Enzo attaching something to my legs.

'Go run us our baths' Mary says. 'Enzo go with her' I see Mary pass him a box before he pulls me up 'come along little one, I can't wait for my fun time with you' he jeers. Enzo pulls me into each of their bathrooms running and filling the baths.  'Master your baths are ready' I call out to them. 'Good go make us some food' Mary orders 'yes master' I say hanging my head.

I want to get home to seb, I need him, but I don't think I'll ever see him again. I was so happy when he asked me to be his girlfriend. He's my world and I love him.

Enzo pulls me into the kitchen 'get cooking then' he says 'but first' he smiles Walking over to a cupboard he pulls out thin collar and lead. 'Come here little one' he orders as he sits down on a chair 'kneel' he shouts. Shaking I kneel in front of him for him to attach the collar and lead round my neck. 'Will you be good?' He asks pulling on the lead 'yes master' I reply bowing my head.

I hear Enzo's phone ringing as I'm preparing food for Mary. 'Keep quiet or else' Enzo orders 'yes master' I reply quietly. 'Your highness how can I help?' He asks 'where are you Enzo?' I hear Sebs voice through the phone 'I'm visiting my cousin and her daughters' he answers. I begin to struggle to breathe i try to cough but Enzo stares at me before pressing the box sending a shock through the collar causing me to fall to the floor. 'What was that?' Seb asks 'oh just the girls fighting one fell to the floor' Enzo answers.  'I have to go now, my cousin is telling me foods ready' Enzo says 'okay let me know when your on your way back.' Seb says.

'What did I tell you' Enzo shouts hitting and kicking me. 'Get in the cage' he order 'NO!' I shout 'WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?!?' Enzo shouts 'I SAID NO. IM DONE WITH YOU ALL!' I shout back.

Sebs pov

'I'll go get us a drink and snack' Rose smiles we were chilling in our living room 'okay Blue, I'll get the film set up' I smile 'I love you Seb' Rose smiles Walking over to me kissing me 'I love you too Rose' I smile kissing her back.

I had got the film set up, I began to worry when Rose hadn't returned. After about 15 minutes I head down to the kitchen to see it empty. I ran around calling out for Rose, no answer.

'UNCLE!' I Call out as I run into his office in tears 'I can't find Rose' I cry. 'We will find her seb, she can't have gone far' uncle says pulling me close. There's a knock on Uncles office door 'enter' he says 'your highness' they say 'they've gone' they pant 'who?' Uncle asks 'the prisoner's' they reply. Uncle and I run out of his office down to the cells.

The three cells that had Mary, Cora and Sam in were open and empty. Enzo was also no where to be seen. 'Let's check the cameras' Uncles aid Wilson suggests. 'Okay' uncle nods, Wilson leads us up to his office where he has access to the cameras. The ones in the cell shows Enzo and Mary talking through the small window, 'is there any sound?' I ask 'there is your highness' Wilson replies.

'Mary what are you doing in there?' Enzo asks. 'They arrested us' she replies, 'Where's Cinders?' He asks 'probably with the prince' cora says 'cora? Your here too?' I ask 'hey! What about me' Sam snaps. 'Stop arguing. I'll try to get you out' Enzo says. 'I've heard them say they will take us to court or trial' Mary cries. 'I'll try to get you out, I'll see if Cinders is here and I'll get her out too' Enzo tells her.

'Make a copy Wilson please. We can use this as evidence' uncle says 'yes your highness' he replies. 'Come on seb,' uncle says leading me away. Uncle leads me into the shared living room where mum is  'seb!' Mum says 'seb what's wrong?' She asks rushing over to me pulling me into a hug 'Rose is gone' I cry 'we will find her son, we will bring her home' mum tells me softly.

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