17 - talking things through

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Rose's pov

After coming back from horse riding, we spent some time swimming in the lake. 'When do you have to go back?' I ask Seb as we sit on the picnic blanket having lunch, we had some food left from last night and this morning which Seb had put in the fridge. 'I won't be heading back until after the trial.' Seb smiles. 'When I go back Chris and I have the premier of infinity war and press interviews' seb tells me 'we can video call each other and you can message me' he adds. 'Ill miss you' I say looking at him 'ill miss you too Blue' seb smiles 'mum will be here'' he adds.

'Seb?' I ask 'yeah Rose' seb smile 'could we invite you friends over, you can introduce me and we can have a mini engagement and Christmas party?' I ask  'you sure Blue?' Seb asks me 'I'm sure Char. I'm sure Uncle will want to announce our engagement but I thought I would only be fair if they found out by you telling them rather than the press' I explain. 'You are so thoughtful doll' seb smiles pulling me into a hug 'you could even fly them over in one of our jets' I suggest 'good thinking Blue'.

After we had finished eating we packed up our bag before heading back to the house. 'How was your night' Auntie smiles 'it was amazing Auntie, Sebastian was a real gentleman' I smile. 'Awe Blue' seb smile kissing the side of my head. 'You both staying for dinner tonight?' Auntie asks 'I think we are going to order in tonight mum, and have it down at the shepards hut before spending the night' seb says. 'Enjoying your time together' Auntie smiles 'you could say that' seb smiles.

'We should go and have a shower Blue' Seb smiles looking down at me. 'We wouldn't want to smell of the lake when we see Uncle' he adds.  Auntie looks at us, 'not at the same time mum' seb says almost blushing. 'I'll meet you up there char' I smile before heading up the stairs to our floor. 'Wait for me Blue' I hear seb calling from behind me 'you know char, us sharing a room and bathroom never stopped us showering together' I smile at him 'I know Blue, I'm being respectful' he smiles back 'but what if I want to in there with me' I smile before run to our room 'oh come on doll, don't tease me like that' I hear him laugh before he runs after me.

'Got you' he smiles after tackling me to the floor smiling 'I like this view of you' he smiles down at me 'I can say the same' i  lift my head to kiss him. 'Come on char, we need to get ready before we see Uncle' I smile 'ugh' seb sighs dropping his head 'come on cutie' I smile ruffling his hair with my fingers 'okay doll' seb smiles 'you first' he adds standing up holding his hand out for me. 'Can you help me with my hair please' I ask smiling slightly at seb 'sure doll' he smiles back. We walk into the bathroom to shower, Seb helping me with my hair. 'Want me to brush it for you?' Seb asks wrapping his arms around me 'I'd like that' I smile, 'you used to do it growing up' I say 'that's right Blue, I always enjoyed braiding your hair. It's so beautiful' he smiles.

I leave the bathroom wearing my bathrobe on walking to the bathroom, I look through my clothes unsure of what to wear. 'Char!' I call 'yeah Blue' seb smiles poking his head in to the wardrobe 'what should I wear?' I ask 'I'm just wearing something casual' seb replies, 'okay thanks' I reply. 'Blue' I hear seb say 'Blue look at me please' he says softly 'yeah' I sigh 'what's wrong Blue?' He asks softly holding my hands 'it's just, I'm struggling to get use to having a choice of clothes to wear' I say looking down. 'Hey Blue' seb says lifting my chin 'you know you can always asks me for help' he smiles 'with anything anytime' he adds.

Sebs pov.

After getting ready Rose and I went to meet up with mum and Uncle. We met in his office, 'Come sit' uncle smiles after we entered his office. We all sat on the sofa and chairs. 'Can I get youna drink?' He asks 'yes please' Rose and I smile. Uncle walks over to his small drinks unit making us all a drink before walking back over to join us. 'Here we are' he smiles placing a tray of drinks on the table.  'One last thing' uncle says before walking to his drinks unit returning with a tin.

'This is for you both' he smiles passing Rose and I the tin, opening it we see a chocolate biscuit cake. 'Happy engagement' he smiles 'thanks uncle' both of us smile. 'It our favourite' Rose smiles. 'Jasper used to make it for us' she adds 'we also know he used to sneak you snacks at night' mum smiles. 'You cut it Char' Rose smiles at me, I cut the cake passing slices round to everyone.

'So, i wanted to send out a press release' uncle says 'I wanted to say that Rose you didn't pass away when your dad did but was missing,' uncle says 'I would say you are home, safe and well but ask for privacy about the matter with the family' uncle says.

'Rose' I say softly taking her hand in mine,  'char' Rose responds quietly 'I'm scared' she whispers 'why Blue' I ask softly placing my arm around her holding her close 'i don't know' Rose replies. 'We don't have to post it right now Rose' uncle says softly 'we can post it when you are ready' he adds. 'After Sebs film Premier' Rose says, 'don't want them asking about me when it should be about him and the film' Rose says 'that's okay Rose' uncle smiles.

'Uncle?' I ask 'yes Sebastian' uncle replies 'could Rose and I host my friends over for a mini engagement/ early Christmas party?' I ask 'I would prefer of Sebs friends heard the news from him personally rather than the press' Rose says 'of course you can' uncle smiles 'they could stay on our floor' Rose suggests  'if you both are happy to, you can' uncle smiles. 'Could I use one of the jets to bring them over' I ask 'of course you can Sebastian, you don't need to ask. You have your own jet for you to use any time you wish' uncle smiles. 'We could announce the engagement after we have told sebs friends?' Rose asks 'of course, we can announce it when ever you want.' Uncle smiles.

Rose's pov

'Uncle what do I do now?' I ask 'what do you mean?' Uncle asks 'I know that before I 'died' I would of been next in line after dad. But you are King now, I don't want to take that away from you. What ever happens I want Seb to be able to carry on acting as long as he wants. I want to be able to support him and I don't know' I say, 'ill support you what ever you want to do Blue' seb says hugging me 'if you want to be Queen, I'll support you' seb says softly 'but I don't want be the reason you stop acting. I want to be able to have a family with you' I tell him. 'I want to Live, make up for the years we all missed. I don't know how to be a royal, how to do what you do' I say.  'We can help you Rose' uncle says softly 'im okay if you want to be Queen now, next year or Even 10 years time or not at all' uncle says 'I want to have a family with you too Blue' seb smiles

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