036: Escape

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We arrived at a clip that Minho and Thomas found when I- not important. Thomas took a peak and turned around with a sign.

"Is it a Griever?" Chuck asked.

"Yeah." Thomas confirmed.

"Shit." I groaned.

"You take this, Chuck. Stay behind us." Thomas ordered and gave the key to Chuck. Teresa took the boy's hand. "It's okay. Just stick with me." I gave her a small smile saying 'thank you' and she nodded when she understood it. "What about her?" Winston pointed at me. "I'll help Chuck and Teresa." I answered for myself and took Teresa's hand.

"All right. Let's go!" Thomas finished his speech and the Gladers ran out with spears, they ran at the Griever who was blocking our way. Teresa, Chuck, and I stayed back and waited till we could run to the doors.

"Okay let's go." Teresa, Chuck, and I ran towards the doors but out of nowhere, a Griever came. "Look out!" I screamed but it was too late, the metal kicked the key out of Chuck's Hand.

Chuck yelped and ran towards the key, which was about to fall off that cliff. Chuck jumped and caught the key, but from deep down a Griever started climbing up, Chuck shook and almost fell over the edge. Teresa and I ran over to the boy and grabbed him.

"Got you, Chuck!" Teresa ans I said in unnion.

"Pull me up!" He yelled. We pulled him up while the boys threw a Griever down the abyss, we saw more Grievers crawl up.

"Come on!" I yelled and we ran to the door. When we arrived the key clicked and the door opened slowly.

We got scanned by a red laser and then a screen appeared with eight numbers on it.

"Thomas! There's a code! Eight numbers!" Teresa yelled.

Thomas mumbled something and then yelled at Minho. "Hey, Minho! What's the sequence?"

"What?" The tall boy asked while fighting. "The sections of the maze,
what's the sequence?" Thomas repeated.

"Seven! One! Five! Two! Six! Four!" Minho started.

Teresa typed the numbers in until Minho got interrupted by a scream. "Heads up!"  I turned around a Griever attacked Minho.

"Minho!" I screamed and froze, not the best time to freeze, I couldn't lose him.

Minho tried to push the Griever away with the spear in his hands. I saw Jeff stabbing his spear into the Griever's body and Minho crawled back quickly.

"What's the sequence? Come on!" Thomas asked while Minho still tried to escape.

"Six! Four! Eight! Three! You got it?"

"Teresa typed the last numbers in and the doors started closing. Jeff was still attached to the Griever.

"Jeff!" Someone screamed, Jeff got surrounded by more Grievers and then the door closed.

We fell.

I fell next to Chuck and I helped him up. "Are you hurt?" I worried. "No, not really it's just my head."

I let out a relieved sign when I made sure that the kid was not hurt. I looked around and saw an empty hallway with lights that flickered.

We followed Thomas and stopped at a door where it said. 'Exit'

"Seriously?" Frypan scoffed. Thomas slowly moved his hand to the door handle and opened the door to another hallway.

People dressed in white were lying on the floor, they got shot. Blood coming from their heads, I tried not to look at them. We went into a bigger room with many screens in it. You could see the Glade from here.

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