~☆~Middle School?~☆~

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Killua’s voice keeps cRaCkInG

TW: None

The summer was nearly over. And now Killua sat in a familiar room with his best friend.
Over the summer, the two had grown quite a lot. Both mentally and physically. Killua kept having voice cracks. Meanwhile, none of Gon’s clothes fit him anymore. And lots more horrid puberty experiences.

But alas, the two still stayed close through the bad and good. As Killua struggled with his parents and Gon found out more about his missing father.

And now they sit. Holding the papers that decide what the next year will look like for them.

“Mm… ready?” Gon asks, holding his paper shut, just like Killua.

“No… w-what if we have no classes together!?” Killua responded terrified of the thought.

“Well… we gotta open them. So, on three?”

Killua pursed his lips, “S-Sure…”

“Kay…three, two, one.”

With that, they opened their papers and quickly compared them. They had all their academics together, thank God. And they had wood shop together… but… there was one.

Seventh period. Gon’s paper showed P.E. meanwhile Killua’s showed drama. Gon chuckled, nervous that his best friend would freak out.

“Hey… I mean, we have all our other classes together.”

Killua bit his lip. His body started shaking as he thought more about it. Being a classroom all alone. No one there, no Gon there. Before he knew it, hot tears slid down his face.

Gon bear hugged him, “Killua its okay. I promise it’ll be okay.”

Killua clung onto Gon, “B-But ill be all alone… I-I can’t be without you…”

Gon tightens his grip on the crying boy, “Hey maybe not. Maybe one of our other friends will be in that class. And I promise that every day I’ll walk you right up to the door.” He reassured whining the younger boy’s tears.

“But their not you… a-and what if someone hurts you again? I-I won’t be able to protect you.”

Gon chuckled, “Killu… I can protect myself, I promise. And I know that if I’m in really bad trouble you’ll come to be my night in shining armor.”

Killua giggled, “Hm… k-kay, maybe I’ll survive.”

Gon smiled, giving Killua one last hug, “Yeah… we’ll both survive middle school. Together.”


Question of the day: Favorite food? Mine is pineapple or chocolate.

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