~☆~Brother and the word gay~☆~

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I've written this FOUR FUCKING TIMES. someone help-

TW: internalized homophobia

It was a cold night in November. Killua sat staring at his ceiling thinking. He's now thirteen, and in eighth grade.

After a few more minutes of pointless staring, his phone dings. Causing him to sit up.

He picked it up, assuming to see a text from his best friend. After all, that is the only notification name that really came to his phone.

But to his surprise. The screen showed a much different text. From an unknown number.

The message read: hello, dear brother. This is your elder brother Illumi. I know we haven't talked in a while, but I was just wondering. Wanna meet up?

The silver-headed boy started at the screen. His heart rate quickening as he read the message over again. It was so... sudden. Not to mention, casual.

Illumi made it sound as if the two were just old friends, who got busy and wanted to meet up. Like... things were just normal.

Killua of cause knew his answer. He wanted to see his brother. Why wouldn't he?

The only stopping him. Were his parents and the anxiety growing in his chest.

Seeing Illumi... although nice, could hurt everything going for Killua. It could make his parents worse, and in turn hurt him, his siblings, and... Gon.

But alas, he texted back.


A few weeks had passed sense that night. And now Killua stood there. At the front of a Café door. Building up the courage to open it.

The two brothers made a plan to meet up here. And considering Killua was on holiday break, it worked well.

He lied to his parents. Telling them that he was at Gon's house. Which Gon was well aware of.

The young boy took a deep breath, opening the door. His eyes darted around, looking for someone who assembled his brother... or what he remembers he looked like at least.

"Killua..." a dark voice murmured to the side of the door.

The thirteen year old jumped a bit. Glancing at the slim man, with long black hair and dark beady eyes.

"I-Illumi...?" He questioned.

The man smiled a bit, "Hey..."

Killua almost felt like laughing, looking at his older brother. His hair had grown down his back, and his outfit included a crop top.

Illumi sighs as he starts walking to the counter. Ordering a coffee. Killua is quick to follow.

"Kil... still like chocolate?" Illumi asks with a small smirk.

Said boy laughs a bit. God, how he missed his older brother.

"Always and forever!"

Illu smiled a bit, nodding and placing an order of chocolate milk. After getting their assigned drinks, they sat.

Killua fidgeted with his cup. He really didn't know how he was supposed to just talk to Illumi. After all, they haven't seen each other in so many years.

"Ah... your what twelve aren't you?" Illumi asks.

Killua chuckles a bit in return, "Nah thirteen."

"Right! Heh, hard to think last time I saw you... you were just nine."

The younger of the two huffs, "Yeah..."

Illumi smiles a bit with a tilt of his head. "So, dating anyone?"

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