part fourteen.

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-1994-                                            -flashback-

'hello daddy, hello mom. i'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb! hello world i'm your wild girl. i'm your-' cheryls singing was cut of by a knock on the trailer. her mom and stepdad where in new york to see extended family, cheryl and allie had chosen not to go and to actually enjoy their spring break. allie had gone to the mall with a few friends so cherry had the place to her self. she opened the door to see natalie and a bag of mystery items. 'well, what's the occasion?' she asked sarcastically.

'the occasion is.. drasticly changing how we look.. while drunk.' natalie said, walking in and placing the bag on the floor.

'okay. you had me at drunk, what you thinking?'

'hair dye, piercings and scissors.' she said. 'scissors as in cut your hair!' she corrected herself.

'yeah i got it.. are u trying out for soccer when we go back?' cheryl asked.

'of course, gotta get a scholarship somehow.'

'fair enough, do you think any hot girls will join too?'

'i doubt it.' she said, while clipping her brown hair up. 'did you see the new family that moved in?'

'no? where?'

'dude like right behind you, they have a dog.' natalie said, she seemed more happy about the dog than the people. 'all i've figured out so far is that they used to live on Mary's Estate but had a shit ton of debt and had to come here.'

'that sucks ass. and i know for a fact my moms gonna make me and allie go over with some lumpy pie again, do you remember the old guy who yelled at us?'

'ha! yeah that was funny as fuck!' natalie laughed while unboxing all the dye and needles she bought.
'and get this, the woman who moved in has a daughter who goes to our school. i've never seen her before though.'

'is she hot?' cheryl asked, lying down on the floor.

'i don't know? go find out.'

'no thank you, i'm good.' cheryl sat back up and watched natalie as she messily applied bleach to her hair. 'dude your doing it wrong!' she shuffled over and took the bowl away from her and bagan parting her hair. once her hair was brightly coloured with bleach she sat back down.

'is it supposed to burn?' natalie asked while touching the shower cap cheryl made her wear.

'stop touching it! and i don't know.'

'i got hair dye for you too.' natalie said, pointing back to the bag. she rummaged through the piercing guns and makeup and pulled out a box of black dye.

'oh absolutely not!' she said. 'it will kill my hair?!'

'you don't have to do all of it, just small streaks or somthing. come on don't make me be the only one with dyed hair when we go back!' she whined, giving cherry puppy dog eyes.

'fine, my moms going to kill me!' cheryl said, cringing at the thought.

'i'll say some nice words at your funeral.'

'will you fuck!' she laughed.

a little over half an hour had passed and they washed each others hair. cheryl blow dried her hair but natalie didn't wanna put any extra heat in hers, so the two girls sat outside the trailer smoking a poorly rolled joint.

'dude what the fuck did you do?' natalie asked, rerolling it for her.

'i did my best!' cheryl cried. as they lit it up they sat in silence for a while, walking whatever cars go by. 'does your head still burn? it looks red?'

CHERRY BOMB ~ yellow jackets (van palmer) Where stories live. Discover now