He can stay

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Cam and I were getting ready in the bus. Evan, Spencer and Andy walked in. I said hello. Spencer said so we've been talking to our manager and we want to kick Motionless in White off the tour. But we wanted to talk it over with you first and give you the final decision. Andy said have you seen his apology video? I said no. Andy air played it to the Roku.

Chris said hey guys it Chris Cerulli aka Chris Motionless from Motionless in White. So as a lot of you may know I severely fucked up big time. As a matter a fact if you're wondering where I got my makeover from last night I let Liv take out all her anger on me. I didn't fight back of anything like that. I just let her beat my ass because I deserved it for what I did to her. If you aren't aware of what I did. I lied to Liv for 19 years. I told her I was her brother but in reality I'm her father. I got her mom pregnant when I was 16 and her mom died while giving birth. Anyways that left me with a baby. I was so young I was still a kid so my mom and I agreed to let her be under the impression that I was her brother for 19 years. I know what I did was shitty and severely fucked up and that she'll most likely never forgive me for what I did. I know I should've stepped up and been the father she needed. Instead of the neglecting selfish asshole I am. Olivia if you're watching this I am so very sorry for lying to you and hurting you. I do hope one day you could possibly forgive me and I know our relationship will never be ideal. But I do love and care about you. If you want me to withdrawal from this tour I completely understand. You need time to heal and me being here isn't gonna help with that. Anyways I'm sorry Liv bye guys.

They all looked at me. Spencer said so do you want him off the tour? Evan rubbed my back. I took a deep breath and said let me call him and talk to him first. Andy said you don't have to do that. Well back you 100% on him leaving. Spencer said we're actually the ones who brought it to marks attention. I said let me call him first. I called Chris (Speaker)

Chris: Liv?

Me: hey I saw your apology video. I want to make something crystal clear. I'm never gonna forgive for lying to me and we're never gonna have a relationship ever again.

Chris: that's understandable

Me: I'll let you stay on the tour under a few conditions

Chris: okay?

Me: you leave me alone, don't stalk me while I'm on stage and act like you don't know me. Those are my conditions for the rest of the tour.

Chris: okay I agree to those

Me: thank you, if you don't follow through you'll be gone. Got it?

Chris: yeah

I hung up
I said well he better follow through or else he's gone. Evan said I really wish you would protect your peace and kick him off. I said I know. Evan hugged me and kissed me. Andy said if you change your mind let one of us know and we'll tell them to leave. I said okay. Spencer said we'll get out of your hair. Cam said thank y'all. I said bye. They walked out....

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