___Chapter 01___

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             Always wondering what my life will turn out to be . Sometimes it's amazing and sometimes I feel like it still needs a meaning. Sometimes it's like a dream and i never want to wake up cos I can pretend my life the way I want in my dreams but if I do wake up from that dream I'll be back to the thoughts of how my life can be meaningful. there are so many things that I still don't know  "those hidden secrets" , it's like a part of my life is still Missing..( Sam's never ending thoughts )

---Sam's POV---
            Well school's boring..... And it's been a long day . No matter where I am , I feel like I belong somewhere else it's like you don't fit in with everyone else There is something strange about yourself and you have no idea how to figure it out maybe I'm crazy or maybe it's all in my head anyways back to my boring life. atleast mom and dad are cheerful they are always positive, and Brian Omg the most annoying brother he's a year older than me yet he behaves like a baby. speaking of my brother there is one person I missed out   'Zach'  he's our elder brother and and it's been a year and half since we saw him. I don't know where he is or how he is or what he has been doing without even coming home all I know is that I miss him a lot, we all do. Brothers are kind of annoying but they mean the world to me and speaking about myself I really don't know how to describe myself there's this feeling that follows me like a shadow that I belong somewhere else , that there's more to my past or something because mom and dad never really talk about the day they had me or how I came into this world and every night I have these weird dreams, dreams about places and people that somehow connects to me but nothing ever makes any sense....
Later that day as usual Brian loves to teach me new skills so he was trying to teach me a basic move to improve my skills. At first everything went great then things took a turn I don't know what happened but the whole place where we were standing and learning was on fire and somehow the fire didn't seem to have an affect on me it was not painful. Brian took me inside as if he knew something and the last thing I remember was getting angry at him for something and I feel like I had something to do with the fire. when mom and dad came to know about it I thought I would be in serious trouble but their expression tells me that they had seen more of this in the past . What is wrong with me !? Am I cursed or something?......

Later that day....
       I got a call from my best friend zade whom I haven't seen since we were fourteen. It was as if she had disappeared and I have never heard from her until now and I got a weird feeling that it might have something to do with the incident that happened earlier. I picked up the call..

Sam : Well look who decided to call after all these years.
Zade : Hey Sammy
She said with excitement..
Sam : hello stranger, where have you been all these years. You left without
           even saying goodbye
Zade : I know I'm sorry it's a bit complicated . I'm coming over tomorrow and
            trust me there are more things you need to know other than me , ohh
            and i heard about the fire incident.
Sam : Did Brian tell you that, do u guys talk...?
I asked with a slight confusion..
Zade : No it was not Brian. Like I said there are things u need to know, things
            that might change who you are... Bye Sam I'll see you tomorrow

Saying this she hangs up and leaves me in a confused state, what did she mean by the things she said?!

The next day Zade arrived  I hugged her as soon as I saw her and when she came in it was like mom and dad already knew she was coming and the reason why she came after all these years.

Brian : you seem different than the last time I saw you zae.
Zade : I know, people change right...
Saying this she winks at me.
Sam : Zae are you okay is everything alright?
I asked with confusion
Zade : Everything is fine, but.....

I knew there was more to her but, I didn't know why she's here and it kinda scares me a little.

Zade : I'm going to take you somewhere, a place that might hold answers to the questions that you need to know so desperately, a place that will change yourself.. ( she Whispers to my ears )
Sam : what are you talking about zae, none of it makes any sense to me.
Zade : don't worry, you'll find out soon enough. Trust me.

Mom dad and even Brian stood there as if they know everything that's going on and where zae might take me to. And they seem to be completely okay with it.

God... Why does everyone seem to hide things from me.....!! Or is it still my feelings that never makes sense to me!?

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