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It's been a day since zade gave Shane my number even though I felt really uncomfortable with her giving my number but now I really wish he had just texted me hi or anything simple, I just want him to text me something so that I can text him back.. god I'm desperate.

Zae and i are on our way to the cafeteria for lunch and zade has never kept her mouth shut ever since she gave him my number.

So.... Did he..!? She asked with a smile.
No zae he didn't. I sighed.

Not even a single message. That's rude of him , she laughed.

Stop it zae maybe he's just busy and maybe he asked for my number so that he could just keep it or anything.

No, you don't know him, he never asks for a girl's number for himself. it's his first time and that's why I think he likes you. She said.

I don't know what to think. By the way let's eat or the food will turn out to be a waste, I said with a laugh.

She nodded with a smile.

While we were eating zae rushed with words and said,

Sam I think I know why he didn't text you yet. She said.

Why? I asked.

He didn't text you because he wanted to see you in person, Texts are okay but seeing each other in person is something else. Look up he's walking towards us or maybe you, she laughed.
Saying this she pointed out behind me. And when I turned back I nearly choked on my food.

Omg why is he here, doesn't he have training and stuff.

Hearing this zae replied, like I said he's here to see you, training is nothing compared to seeing you in his point of view..

Stop making things or I'm gonna kill you. I was so nervous and scared it felt like I was wrapped in thorns I couldn't feel myself.

Something might happen today, zae said with a tune in her voice and rushed over to Brandon and hugged him, he hugged her back as well. But Shane didn't stop walking until he reached me and he pulled the chair right next to me and sat on it, he was looking straight at my eyes and I was looking at his with widened eyes, God it's nerve racking to look in his eyes, i snapped myself out and asked..

Did you guys have your lunch or should I bring you guys food to eat.

No we had our lunch dear.. saying this he picks the fries in my hand and puts it in his mouth. What's with his tone and actions? I was so shocked and freaked out. Dear!!! Why did he call me that he hasn't called me that until now. Is something wrong with him...seeing me in deep thought, he asked.

Are you going to stay still or eat your food or should I feed u myself he smiled.
What's with his smile it was not like an ordinary smile it was the sexiest smile a seductive one.

Right then Brandon came in and said.
Don't worry Sam he's just messing with you. They laughed but I couldn't laugh I was filled with all kinds of nerves.

Since we are done having our lunch shall we go for a walk? Zade asked while looking at me. I knew what she was up to.

We are okay with it, right Shane brandon smiled.

Yeah of course we are, he smiled while looking at me and I couldn't pull myself out of the shock that I was in..

While we were walking zade got a call, it was from Miss Greyson, zade talked to her for a minute and turned over to me.

Guess what Miss Greyson wants us at the main entrance.

Why does she want us there? I asked.

She said it's a surprise! Common let's go we don't want to miss the surprise do we. Zade said while rushing us to the main entrance of alfaria. And i bet zade knows what the surprise is..

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