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You're the lost princess of Aurelia......
You're the daughter of Queen Celeste and King Adrian, the one with the only flame of the dragon. The fire that happened back in your garden was your mother's flames inside you, and we sensed it the minute it happened and that second we knew that Aurelia still had hope.

---Sam's POV---

I couldn't believe everything that Miss Greyson was saying and it hurts to believe that the parents that I've been living with for so long are not even my real parents even Brian,.. I couldn't hold on to every thought that was hitting me and it sacres me more that these thoughts are actually reality. Tears rushed down my face without a break.

How can a normal girl like me can be a princess Miss Grey.. I asked while wipping the tears off of my face.

Believe it or not Sam but it's the truth. You're the future of Aurelia.
I know it's way too much for you to take in and that's why I didn't want to tell you all of this untill you were ready to hear it. I knew it was going to be hard for you. Saying this Miss Greyson approached me and tried to console me.. she hugged me and I cried even more..

I'm really sorry for keeping this from you Sam i didn't want to see you like this none of us did and that's why your parents didn't tell you about any of this.

Do you know what happened to my real parents? I asked with wetty eyes.

Apparently no, like I said no one knows what happened to them and only Aurelia can give answers to that. The main reason why I didn't want to tell you is that the flame inside you  has no control you have no control over it and to reach your full potential you must find your mother's dragon. She had full control over her flame because she was bonded with her dragon and for you to have full control over your powers you must do the same. But unfortunately you can't.

Why not?? I asked.

Because Aurelia is a forbidden land right now and no one is supposed to step foot there especially you Sam your parents didn't sent you far just for you to return back without control over your powers it's dangerous, a single act from your side can trigger the witch trapped there and the dragon is somewhere close to Aurelia.

You just said that if I need to know what happened to my real parents only Aurelia can give me the answer so I must go there. I must find answers. I need to know what happened to them. Please Miss Grey. I begged her but she didn't allow.

Sam I've told you everything you need to know but going there is not the right thing to do. if you mess up the whole land of Alfaria even Hawks will be in danger if that witch becomes free. So no I can't allow you to go to Aurelia. We are training you enough so that you can have a bit control over your powers once those training's are over and you have control then we will think about going to Aurelia.

I knew she wouldn't let me go even if I asked her more. So I nodded and remained in my thoughts.
I'll just....... I should get going miss thank you I wiped my tears and left the office.

---Brian's POV---

Zade Brandon Shane and I were standing right outside the office. Every word that Miss Greyson was revealing to Sam pierced through me. I can't believe that Sam's not my own sister. I knew the were things about her but I didn't see this coming. Tears started to rise from my eyes. Everyone felt bad and shocked to hear everything. Shane was eagerly waiting to see Sam. it's a relief that he cares for her.

Lets move a bit away from here Sam might come out of here any second now and I don't want to piss her off again.. zade said while sobbing lightly. Brandon hugged her hard and we moved away from Miss Greyson's office.

---Sam's POV---

As I left the office I thought about everything that happened in a few hours and i felt bad for what I said to Shane earlier he was just trying to be there for me but I shut him out. I didn't want to  go back to my dorm so I just went out to the garden to just accept all in. Do I really have power like Miss Grey said?! Is it because of that I feel different everytime?? My mind was filled with thoughts when suddenly I heard someone calling out my name I turned myself to see who it was and it was Shane. He walked towards me with his hands in his pocket. When he reached close to me. he said,

Are you okay. I know it's hard after hearing everything I just... I don't know what to say to you right now.

You heard everything didn't you so you can imagine how I'm feeling right now. Its Hard.. it damn hurts I smiled with teary eyes.

We didn't mean to eavesdrop we just wanted to be there if... ' if I lost control over myself ' i said before he could say more.

How's Brian doing.. I asked with concern.

Well you know it's hard he's still in the dorm he's just processing through everything like you are.

He didn't know anything like me yet I suspected him so much. I sighed.

Why are you hear Shane?

I just wanted to be there for you I can go if you want me to leave. He said without taking his eyes on me.

No. Don't go i could use some company right now. I forced a smile on my face.

Hey Shane!

Yeah.. what's wrong?

I'm really sorry for what I said to you back in the dorm. I didn't mean to hurt you  I was just lost I'm so sorry. And for the second time I cried like a baby again in front of him.

Hey no... please don't cry it's okay,
He stepped even closer to me and he wiped the tears off my face with his hands and while rubbing the side of my face with his thumb he said,

I never took anything you said to me back there seriously because I knew it was hard for you to deal with everything. After hearing him say that I burst out  even more and I leaned towards his chest and he held me close while I was crying.

After a few seconds of silence i was still leaning on his chest and he was  running his fingers through my hair. It felt so comforting just to be close to him. To be in his arms. But I knew it was time for him to leave and besides if he stays my plan won't work...

It's pretty late now, you and brandon should get going. I forced myself out of his embrace and looked him in his eyes.

You sure ? we can stay if you want us to. He said.

No it's fine I'll be okay. Lets go back. I tried to hide my facial expressions so that he wouldn't doubt anything suspicious.

Okay then I walk you there.

We walked towards my dorm without saying anything. I was trying to avoid his gaze because I knew his eyes was on me the whole time. When we got there brandon and zade was sitting on the couch. Brian came running and hugged me the second i stepped in. I hugged him back.

Are you okay, where were you, he asked.

Let's just talk about it later Brian I'm all out of tears right now I'm completely dry I need to rest.
He nodded.

Brandon let's get going it's late. Shane said while looking at me.

Brandon kissed zade on her forehead and got up to leave and the whole time I avoided zade because I'm still mad at her. Call me if you need me okay Shane walked towards me and said while holding my hands..

Bye Sam I'll see you soon.. saying this they left.... After they left Brian went into his room. as I was walking towards mine zade rushed and stopped me.

I'm really sorry Sam I am. please don't avoid me you know I can't bear it. Her eyes were filled with tears.

I'm not really in the mood to talk about it zade and yes I am mad at you I'm really mad at you but I won't shut you out i need time just let me have it.

Alright, go and take rest I'll be here if u need me she said and went to her room and I went to minee......while I was in my room I waited for the right moment to text brandon. After a few hours I texted him.

Sam : Hey Brandon..
Brandon : hey, you okay..
Sam : yeah I'm fine um.. is Shane with you.
Brandon : no he's in his room. do you want me to get him.
Sam : No no I just.. I need your help.
Brandon : what can I do for you tell me.
Sam : I need to borrow one of your bikes like right now.........................

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