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---Earlier that day---

As I was walking from Miss Greyson's office I went to the mystic aisle in Alfaria where a library is situated my aim was to find about Aurelia and a map as I was planning to go there tonight cos if I mentioned this to Miss Greyson there's no way she would allow me to go to Aurelia and I can't tell this to anyone else so I decided to do it all by myself. As I reached there the librarian asked about what section I was looking for. As soon as I mentioned Aurelia she directed me to the restricted aisle and told me not to take anything back with me I could only read from here as it was restricted. From the book and with the few conversations with the librarian i found out that King Adrian had a sister and she still lives in Aurelia all I had to do was to find her maybe she can help me to get to the dragon and to find more about Aurelia and me, because I know there's a lot more to it... the only thing that I need now is a map if Im going to Aurelia tonight then I might need a map and maps are always in Miss Greyson's office. Luckly it was already time for Miss Greyson to have her tea and snacks, it was the perfect time to snoop in and gather the exact map. After waiting for a while Miss Greyson left and I went into the office and it actually didn't take me a lot of time, the map was hanging on a wall I just had to remove it and I placed another map from Miss Greyson's drawer so that she won't be suspicious. I had to tell someone about me going to Aurelia alone and there's no way I would tell this to zade. I can't tell this to shane either so I decided to tell brian ..... Since I got the map i left it in my pocket and went to the garden to accept everything in............

--- Brandon's POV---

I paused when she texted me asking for a bike. Why did she text me instead of Shane or zade is she planning to do something without them knowing?!. She is a bit messed up after everything that happened today, but for what reason does she need a bike? I should try to figure out things before I give my word to her.

Brandon : should I know why you want a bike at this hour..?
Sam : Not really, it's... I can't really tell you. Please brandon just help me a bit.
Brandon : okay I'll give you my bike only if you tell me what you need it for..
Sam : fine. I just need to go out for a stroll alone you don't know how hard it is and if I had asked Shane he would come along and i don't want that I just want to be alone and to figure out the puzzles in my head.

Although she sounded promising, I still doubted her, yet I promised her that I would give her my bike for today. Shane will kill me if he comes to know about this..!!

Brandon : Fine, wait for me in the main gate I'll bring it to you.
Sam : Thank you. And one more thing do not tell Shane or zade about it.

I went to Alfaria with Caleb he's one of my friends. As we reached there Sam was standing right were i said her to be and she rushed towards me when she saw us..

Brandon do you mind bringing the bike to our dorms backyard please. She said while panicking.

It was already getting dark and I did as she suggested. After I parked my bike she thanked me.
Just don't do stupid stuff okay! I'll come by in the morning to fetch my bike. Saying this I left with Caleb back to Hawks....

---Sam's POV---

It's past nine and brandon left after giving me his bike. I went back inside the dorm, Zade was asleep on the couch and i wanted to talk to Brian as he said nothing but nodded when I mentioned about going to Aurelia by myself.

Brian's rooms door was half open and I went in knocking..

You seem a bit out of mind you okay big brother. I asked while entering.

Yeah I'm fine you know what's bothering me..it's really a lot to take in considering no one cared to tell us.

I know. So you can imagine how hard it is for me too. And that's why I want to go to Aurelia tonight and I'm hoping you would say something this time as you said nothing earlier.

Sam I'm want you to find what you need to find it's just I'm worried about you. It's dark and the thought of you going alone..i don't know if I'm doing the right thing if I let you go.

Hey it's okay I'll be fine besides you know i won't give up untill I get what I want and i promise I'll be safe..
He looked at me when I said that and he widened his arms and hugged me....
Just be safe okay.. he said while hugging me to which I nodded.

After spending a few minutes with my brother I went to my room and set the alarm for a quick nap before I went..

When I woke up, the clock was ticking to midnight. Damn i slept too much..
I quickly sprang up from my bed and took a shower and then I put on my clothes, a leather jacket and books on. I packed my bag with the necessary items. Once I finish gathering the stuff I needed I opened my door real slow so that zade won't wake up. I tiptoed till the back door and started walking towards where brandon had kept his bike.

As I approached the bike I quickly got on it and before I could even start it there was a voice from behind.


I was so shocked to hear someone actually found me and when I turned back to see who it was, it was.....SHANE!!!!!! WTF what is he doing here?

What are you doing here at this hour Shane. I asked him as I saw him..

That's funny because I want to ask you the same thing Sam. Where are you going at this hour and why do you have Brandon's bike. His voice seemed rough and husky, he walked up to me.

I got off the bike and went closer to him.

I know what your doing here Sam just don't do this alone I'm coming with you. He said.

Did brandon tell you about this.

Well brandon has some explanation to do about why he didn't tell me about it.

Then how did you know.... I was so confused about him being here.

Guess Brian didn't want you to go alone after all. He said with a smirk.

Brian told you!!!... I said in surprise.

Yes he did and I'm coming with you...

No Shane , I have to do this by myself.

I wasn't asking.. if you want to go you either go along with me or you won't go at all... His voice seemed so strong and bold i knew he was doing this because he was concerned about me but I had to convince him to let me go alone...

I stepped a few steps closer to him raising my hands to feel the warmth of his face. I slowly rub his face with my fingers and he seemed lost in it

I don't deserve you Shane. You're amazing in every way and I like you as you are but I'm not the girl for you . I'm not that special. I said while running my fingers through his hair. His gaze was fixed in mine and he never took his eyes off mine and at this sec we were so close to each other that we could feel our breaths.

Fuck this!!!! Saying this suddenly he grabbed my waist and pulled me in and within seconds his lips were over mine. I was so lost that I didn't know what to do.

He looked me in my eyes and said.. i love you Sam.. I've loved you since the day I saw you and I want you to be mine so badly. And i don't want anything to happen to you so please don't do this alone let me be there for you.....

His voice was airy deep and mesmerizing... I stood like a pole without no reaction as I was processing through the words he said and that kiss.. damn i want that kiss again!!...

When he noticed that I wasn't responding to what he said and did he started to feel bad like he messed up.

I'm sorry if I startled you with the kiss i didn't mean any of it in a bad way. he shutters and before he could finish his words I pulled him by the collar of his shirt closer to me for another taste of his kiss. This time he was the one shocked with my actions and at first he didn't budge but then his kiss started raging so deeply that we felt it throughout our body. His hands touching every part of my body his tongue exploring corners of my mouth. We both felt breathless but still went on....

I WANT YOU......... He whispered while our mouths were still close.......

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