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--- Sam's POV ---

It's my third day here in Alfaria. Zade is still sound asleep, she has no classes or training till afternoon so it's just me, now that I'm awake I should probably take a shower and get ready because I have a training section at ten, and it's already nine now. I need to hurry!!

I took a quick shower and made Toasts and coffee for me and for zade as well even though she's sleeping. and when I finished eating my toast I was about to leave our dorm and that's when zade woke up but she's still half asleep.

Where are you off to this early in the morning Sam?
She said while trying to open her eyes from sleep.

Early!! It's almost ten and I am late for my training and if you keep talking I'll be even more late. Go back to sleep, you still have plenty of time till your training. Gotta go now, I'll see you in a bit.

She waved me bye and I left for my training. On my way I met Miss Greyson.

Good morning Sam.
You're kinda late, training starts soon she said while walking towards the training area and I went along with her.

So what am I training for today Miss Greyson?
I asked.

You'll continue doing your obstacles courses till I know you're ready for something else.
And these words of Miss Greyson hit me hard. I always wanted to ask about me, because I know that even Miss Greyson knew something like my parents and zae. But I'm not sure how to ask or when to ask..

Miss Greyson was going through her list of things to do. And i slowly approached her.

Miss Greyson..
Yes Sam is something wrong. She asked.

I felt like If I don't ask now I will never get the courage or opportunity to ask her later.

When will I get to know about the things that I don't know and for some reason you, my parents and even my best friend zade knows about it? I asked her.

The look on Miss Greyson's face changed right after I asked her this.
She looked at me and said,
No talks during the training section and even if there was something for you to know, you'll know it when the time comes. Now go back to your training Sam.

But!! Miss Greyson.. I just...

Not now Sam. She said aggressively and walked away.

I was so angry at her this time. The things about me and my past, isn't it my right to know about it? Why is she hiding it from me. And at that moment I decided to have a serious talk to zade about it when I get back from my training..


--- Shane's POV ---

I was not able to get her off my mind since yesterday. It was really great that I got to spend time with her and even actually talked to her yesterday. Listening to her voice makes me happy, but I feel sad about the things we talked about yesterday. I hope she's doing okay. I really wish to go to Alfaria just to see her but I haven't talked about anything that I feel towards her to Brandon so I don't know how I'm going to convince him about going there for no reason. Brandon's already in his training and I'm done with mine and i don't think his training will end soon.

Should I go to Alfaria by myself??
A thought popped into my mind. I couldn't sleep last night the only thing that I could think about was Sam, and she's still in my head driving me crazy. Brandon wouldn't notice if I just sneaked out for a while and I'll try not to come back late, I just want to see her.

I sneaked out of the training room and I'm sure Brandon didn't notice me. I quickly headed to my room and changed into a pair of clean clothes since the ones that I was already wearing was wet with sweat. Now that I'm changed I grabbed my bike and went to Alfaria. When I reached there I couldn't spot anyone, and by anyone I meant Sam. I was trying my best to not run into zade because if she sees me here alone she might tell Brandon and I would end up answering questions to both of them, and i don't want that..

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